
Holiday Hangover

It’s Friday! Most people I know have the day off and are celebrating a long weekend with family and friends and nothing but free time. Not only do I work all day today, but I also have to work tomorrow, too. Bummer. (I’ll deal with it, though, because I have 3 day weekends ahead for both Christmas and New Year’s!) Thanksgiving was really nice. Growing up, it was always a big ordeal, with everyone getting together and hopping between my mom’s family and my dad’s. These last couple years have been super low-key, and we’ve been doing dinner at home, just the 4 of us. I always enjoy seeing the whole gang, but it’s so nice to have a quiet dinner with my mom, dad, and sister.
We usually aren’t in the same place at the same time.




Another fun part of eating at home is that my sister and I made our own dishes. Maria made sweet glazed carrots and I made a mashed potato casserole. Everything was so tasty! It was worth all the waiting for the bird!

Also, Brad came over and we saw The Muppets! I had been waiting forever to see this. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
(I totally cried. But I’ve cried at the last few movies I’ve watched…I’ve cried at the last few everythings I’ve watched…)

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