
Happy Halloween!

Got the idea from my sister.

pinupstripI worked both tonight and yesterday so I didn’t do anything to celebrate. I don’t really celebrate it at all, actually. But when I have my own place, I plan on throwing a kick-ass costume soiree.


Reunited and it feels so good…

I love being introduced to new music, movies, and TV shows and having the opportunity to welcome more into the big family of babies that I already love.

However, it can be just as nice to revisit some of those that you have forgotten overtime. Or maybe not forgotten but overlooked in lieu of the new things entering your life.

Recently, I’m on a huge binge of The Office. I’ve always enjoyed the show, but I never really watched it back-to-back like I’ve been doing now. The show continues to amaze me. Every character has their own personality and it makes for some classic jokes. And I can’t help it…I love that they push the envelope. Thanks to Michael Scott’s ignorance, they touch a lot of iffy areas, but that’s what makes it so darn funny. If you haven’t watched this (which I feel is nearly impossible 6 seasons in), I highly recommend you do. I also recommend It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (be warned though, it’s a whole new level of offensive).

In terms of music, I stumbled into this YouTube video yesterday and was nearly brought to tears.

First of all, this girl has a crazy unique voice. She addresses it at the end of the video in a humorous way. But the best part is the song, originally by the band Say Anything. Freshman year of college, my friends and I were all obsessed with them. They only had one album (I love every song, it is highly recommended by me) at that point. Then they released a double LP which has a bunch of good songs along with a bunch of just okay songs. Regardless, Max Bemis (who writes most, if not all, of the music and lyrics) is a genius when it comes to songwriting. His lyrics usually tell some kind of story and they don’t cease to amaze me. And for someone who is mostly rocking out, I love that I can be touched enough to cry.


What’s in the past is OVER.

I need to remind myself this fact a lot. I haven’t had to lately, but sometimes this familiar feeling crawls into my heart and stomach and it makes me feel sick and sad.

And what’s the point?

None of it matters.

When did it ever matter?

Actually…it’s sometimes good to realize and remember these things, even if they hurt at the time because…I kind of need to. It’s a reality check. It makes me feel super-awful but I also kind of want to laugh.

I tend to think I get the shit end of the stick…but maybe I’ve had it all wrong this whole time. Maybe there still is some hope in someway somehow.

Fresh Batch

Actually, I’ve had this developed roll of film for about a month now. But I finally scanned them in. I can’t wait to get the next roll developed…NYC is on there! I wish it didn’t take so long…

cloud cemetaryekectrichikewatersite

P.S. I know the ones on the right get cut off, but click to see the whole thing! I may need to change things up with a new template soon.


I wish I had something clever to say here.

Great weekend, folks! My sister Maria came in on Friday and it’s been weeks since I’ve seen her so I was very happy. I spent the night with her and a friend of her’s (who is very much a friend of mine), eating Chinese and accidentally buying a bunch of things at Old Navy (2 dresses, 2 tank tops, and 1 white V-neck tee for 8.45…yeah, I’m that good).

Yesterday was in the works for a couple of weeks. Ed and I met up with best friends and (my) ex-roomies Lauren and Tracy to see Saw VI (yes, I’ve seen them all…) and checked out Horror Hall. My sister came along for the haunted house. Let’s just say that I am the biggest wussy ever. I kept my eyes open for two of the rooms and then kept my head down and my eyes shut for the rest of the duration. It was very scary. Or maybe I’m just that big of a loser. Probably the latter. But the former is still relevant. I don’t like people popping out. And then they don’t leave you…they linger. SCARY!

Today, Maria drove us Jim Thorpe for the last day of a Fall Foliage festival they’ve been having. It was crazy crowded but wonderful as always. Then, we headed to a pumpkin patch. Good times, my friends…good times.

sisters pumpkin shadows cornfieldI cannot wait for a new camera! My camera is old and weird and it washes colors out. These are tweaked. I love playing with Photoscape but I can’t wait to have genuinely good pictures as soon as I click the button.

And side note…this week is my last week of part-time working freedom. Sunday is my last day to sleep in or go out at 1 PM in the afternoon. I want to live up my free days before I’m stuck in a building ‘til 5:00 5 days a week.

…still kind of excited though.


Fall Foliage

The weather picked up this week and it was so lovely.

 redleaves sunkissed

056 dana


I know it will start to get colder, but I hope that doesn’t stop any of us from being outside.


My life hurts…

waterleaves Man. Today was one of those days when pretty much every part of it sucks and you find yourself hating everything and being completely incapable of holding back every emotions (namely anger, annoyance, and sadness).

Good thing about today: I got the job and accepted it! Full-time, benefits, all the holidays off (finally!), growin’ up.

Bad thing about the good thing about today: I have to quit a job for the first time ever. And I don’t hate the job. And I just transferred to this new store. So I’m super-nervous. But…I’ll survive. I guess…


I don’t know, man…

Sometimes…I just want to scream.

tumblr_krhy06dHS41qzyrwvo1_500 {PaperTissue}

Little Things

f2OmQc1cjon4dutylvIhmDPlo1_500 {Photo from PaperTissue}

Seriously, it doesn’t take much to make me happy. It also doesn’t take much to have me crying hysterically (just put on an insanely good, emotional movie or…well, hurt my feelings). But really, aren’t the best times when things just kind of fall into place unexpectedly and everything feels right? They happen to me from small situations. Cotton candy sunsets, a rainbow after the storm, feeling extremely comfortable and cozy in my bed, a phone call from a good friend, an amazing hug.

Today, it’s the fact that I finally get to see this movie (please oh please don’t let me down I’m so excited for you!). Yesterday, it was leaving work and not being cold for the first time in a couple of weeks. It was going for a light jog/brisk walk with two of my favorite people and following it up with a Taco Bell dinner. It was randomly deciding to play Skee Ball at the arcade in the mall and trading our tickets for temporary tattoos and Chinese finger traps.

Yep…it doesn’t take much. Days like that make me so happy to be alive. Even when the bad days feel so bad.



I’ll miss you, bare legs. You did me good there for a few months. I’ll see you again, pasty and white, next year. ‘Til then I’ll make sure you feel fancy in bright tights and warm in skinny jeans.





I’ve talked about the some of the following items more than once on the blog, and I just wanted to let you all know that there is still a warm and fuzzy spot for them in my heart. That’s how you know you really do want something…when the feeling doesn’t fade and you’re still thinking about it weeks, months, or sometimes even a year later…

Over-the-knee boots
Nike High Tops
Sequined Beret

A badass bodysuit
And, of course, a new DIGITAL CAMERA ALREADY!!!!

…and a tripod for it would be nice.


I still find you dashing.

Interview is done. Even though I hated rolling out of bed before 8 am (I know, I know, some of you have to do it everyday and I’m sorry), I actually love that I’m completely awake and have accomplished some things before noon. I need to start getting up earlier more often.

Today, the world is my oyster. I had the most enjoyable drive to and from the interview playing my Zune and singing along. I love those times by myself when I’m content with the world. Despite the fact that it was snowing, and it’s October…and I frankly don’t find that very cool.snow

The view from my porch

Now, I’m going to do some laundry. I cleaned my room in the hopes that I’ll be rearranging soon and making it into a cozy little haven. I’m also going to paint my toenails blue, watch the latest episode of Glee, and eventually watch movies at Joe’s and hit up the bar I think? Thank God the snow isn’t sticking.


Just a Tuesday night…

Highlights of the evening:

  • I suggested to friends that we go out of town for the night and they happily obliged.
  • I purchased 2 skirts, 2 pairs of leggings, and 1 dress for a total of 17 dollars.
  • I got to see an old high school teacher and she told me my hair was pretty.
  • I sang at the top of my lungs.
  • I had 3 delicious bottles of beer for under 5 dollars.

randombrews What a great night. Unplanned, impulsive nights are always the best. I love to go with the flow and see where everything takes me. Those are almost always the most memorable times.

nerdbomber I enjoy being a nerd.


A Week of Change

Today was my last day commuting to work 30 minutes away. I am now officially at the Hazleton store. To commemorate the occasion, the traffic on I-81 decided to be the usual bitch and make the commute a whole hour!

Thank God that was the last of it…

Now I have a full week, with work at my new store and the interview and trying to relax and have fun in between and outside all of that. Since I feel that topic is extremely boring, why not make a couple of lists to keep myself occupied…

I would love:

  • a huge diner breakfast or a black jack taco
  • a new digital camera already!
  • a reason to dress up for Halloween
  • to relive some really fun times
  • to visit my sister and friends in Philadelphia
  • a sweet paint job for the Bu’
  • to rearrange my room into the perfect cozy place

I do not love:

  • waiting for the heat to turn on in the car because it’s getting cold again and I’m not ready for it
  • getting back pains and feeling like an old biddy
  • realizing how much you really have to work at being the best you can be
  • being far away from people I want to see

The list of things I love is longer than things I don’t love! YAY!

And…to end this random post…a picture of the cutest bunny ever!
cutebunny ‘Til next time…


Friday Night

Good day, yesterday. I got to see Whip It! which made me extremely happy. The movie was entertaining, funny, charming, and filled with badass-ness. The whole time I was watching it, I was thinking that you really do need to do the things that you love, no matter what. Life is short. And there’s only this one that we have. So you should do what you want to do, no matter what your family or friends think. Being happy is the most important thing.

After the movie, a bunch of us got together at our local haunt of choice for a couple of drinks. I hadn’t been there in months, and the last time I did was pretty sucky. But we had a blast. It was so nice to catch up with friends I never see anymore. barstrip It sucks that a handful of good people in my life have moved away or become so busy that I only see them on a bimonthly basis, or so it seems. But at the same time, when we come together, it’s so great. And I’m proud of them because every single one of those people is doing what they love, even if it’s not their full-time career. So kudos to you, I love you guys!

Side Note: I have my first job interview in 2 years this coming Thursday. Super-nervous. And the only thing that sucks about it is that I finally transferred back to my hometown, except I’ll have to do the commute if I get this one. Not as far, but still a bit of a downgrade. However, I’m still pretty excited. Fingers crossed, my friends!


Short-Term Goals


  • Keep on lookin’ for jobs
  • Go to the movie theaters by myself
  • Be strong in every situation I face
  • Be myself for myself
  • Keep growing my hair
  • Treat myself and my friends to fun things


The Girls Wanna Be Her

Ok…so I have a huge girl crush on Ellen Page at the moment.

I should preface my gushing by admitting that, for a while, I used to hate her. I don’t know why, because honestly there is nothing to hate, really. Ok…maybe it’s because I’m jealous. She is my age and she has a kickass job. And not just like other young actresses get to be in movies. She gets to be in awesome movies as awesome characters. She was nominated for an Oscar for Pete’s sake! So…I’m sorry, Ellen. I just wish I could be as cool as you.

The interview above cemented my love.

I must go see Whip It and soon.

jefflipsky_shooting_jan2008_009 peggysirota_marieclaireshooting_003

 peggysirota_marieclaireshooting_006 This last one slays me. And in regards to the interview, I must break out my purple tights as soon as possible.

{All photos from Ellen Page Online}


Without the sour, the sweet wouldn’t taste as sweet…

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Oh man.

I really hope that all this stress and anxiety and worry and CRAZINESS is all for something better.

I’m trying to reassure myself with words like the title above. But it was the only thing I could think of in regards to how I feel. What are those sayings? You know, when people say that good things happen after bad things and what have you…only…well, snappier. And usually in a way that rhymes.

Now, I’ll just think about things that make life a little better like…

  • Jesse Eisenberg
  • Sleeping in
  • Chili with cheese
  • Poker
  • Being creative
  • Making plans to be creative with friends

Silver Screen Romance

Is it wrong that I still look up to these couples and swoon when I watch and rewatch them fall in love on camera over and over?

sethandsummer Seth and Summer
{The O.C.}

Steve and Miranda
{Sex and the City}

J.D. and Elliot

I know they are fictional couples. But they give me hope. Despite all the freaking odds, these couples made it through everything. And it may have taken time, but it eventually turned out right. Perhaps this is why my view of love has always been a little skewed…I want it to be like in the movies and on TV shows. But then again, it can’t be so bad to have hope.

EDIT: I forgot one of the best onscreen couples ever.
THE OFFICE -- NBC Series -- "Drug Test" -- Pictured: (l-r) -- NBC Photo: Chris Haston

No collection should be without Jim and Pam. They might even be the best.


Life and Time

My days off feel like sick days from school. I can’t believe that I’m not a student anymore. It’s so strange. It still boggles my mind.

So does the fact that it’s October. And that it’s really chilly and I need to start layering more and more.

I’m excited to wear more sweaters, leggings, and boots. But I’ll miss being comfortable without a jacket on.

As for life right now…I’m making it really hard for myself. That is my biggest flaw. I worry and worry about something, ruining the times when it wasn’t something to worry about, and then freaking out when the event actually occurs.

I need to get stronger. I should be already. I used to be, anyway.

I hope dreams still come true. I hope hope exists. I hope that every negative thought in my head will one day be disproved and no longer exist.

Can things get any worse? I certainly hope not. Maybe it’s time for the sunny side of life…please?