
It’s Gonna Be May

Ok, so it IS officially May. Have you seen this meme making the rounds? It’s hysterical.
And I couldn’t talk about May arriving without singing it eventually, so it had to be acknowledged.

Anyway, for the past few months, I’ve been taking part in Fat Mum Slim’s photo a day challenges on Instagram.
I sorta failed at finishing last month. But I’ve finally completed one to my liking (I guess that’s why it’s a challenge), so I’ve decided to share all the pictures from last month with you in one post!

photo-a-day-april-1 Click on the picture for a link to all the Photo a Day challenges!


  1. Reflection of me half-ready for the day
  2. Cali’s colorful toys
  3. Mailboxes
  4. Brad always makes me happy
  5. Tiny dandelions
  6. Lunch bag filled with leftovers
  7. Kaleidoscope shadow
  8. Small bills in my wallet
  9. Younger me, reading as always
  10. The always cold dairy section of the supermarket
  11. I often eat breakfast in my car
  12. The stairs that lead into my house
  13. I found some cool fake gauge earrings on Etsy
  14. Gatorade was necessary after a night of drinking…felt pretty hungover
  15. Calm Sunday evening sunset
  16. Bright spring flowers
  17. I don’t like resetting my alarms for work after a day off
  18. A sweet hair do I rocked as a babe
  19. Orange toenails (Riveting from the Capital Colours Collection of China Glaze)
  20. Something I drew on the game Draw Something
  21. Bottle of Chardonnay split with my friend Lauren at Thai Thai
  22. The last thing I bought at the time was my tasty Pad Thai
  23. I eat country vegetable soup very often
  24. I am grateful for books, for my Kindle, for the ability to get lost in my mind and learn and feel
  25. I came home, looked down, and saw two packages waiting for me
  26. My fortune in black and white
  27. I went to the Anthracite with lovely people and we closed the place
  28. 1 PM means work is over, I can put on street clothes and relax
  29. The top of my Pear Woodchuck bottle is a circle
  30. I am so sad my friend Jenna is moving to California in a few weeks (but happy for her…bittersweet)

All you Instagrammers should join in on the next challenge, starting today! It’s fun to look back on the month, and it really helps stretch your creativity! I can’t wait to do it again. And, if you would like, follow me on Instagram: @mikeylynn !!

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