
More Hair Lust and Changes….

(Apologies for the lack of post yesterday. Monday turned out to be an unlucky day filled with car troubles, a sore throat, and various other things not going right. I turned in early to avoid further illness/negativity, though I do seem to be fighting a sort of summer cold. I hate missing blog posts…maybe I’ll make up for it with an extra one later…)


So the thing is, I basically want to chop all of my hair off. Regular readers have seen stupid hair posts multiple times on the blog and I’m always so indecisive about the whole thing. I’ve done this before, so it’s not like it’s a new thing. It wouldn’t be a huge shock to my system. I am craving the ease. I watch Brad quickly muss his hair up after a shower and I’m jealous and miss the days my getting-ready-procedure was that quick. It’s funny, but the main reason I want super short hair again is because, well…I’m lazy. It’s lovely, yes, but mostly it’s good for someone who hates fussing and fiddling with frizz and unwanted curling. There is a lot of pressure (that I put on myself, really, only) that comes with it though. You have to be confident. There’s nothing to hide behind. So the question is…will I do it? I don’t know. But Carey Mulligan is definitely my pixie lust object. She pulled it off (and is growing it out) perfectly and everything from the cut to the styling has been impeccable and admirable. I only hope if I go through with it, it will look as good as hers.


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