

I am extremely exhausted. Thank goodness the week is halfway over. I just wish I had another long weekend to celebrate with. But soon enough…

Things keep happening in my life to confirm the thought “Everything happens for a reason.” And all of them are in a good way. A few days ago, I felt really boring. I’ve always been crazy and loud and fun and I started to realize that, since I work full-time now, my life is based around quiet evenings and being sleepy. I started to miss college life and feel bad that I am not as social as I once was.

But then I had a conversation that made me realize that I am so much better off this way. The friends in my life, the ones that have stayed by my side through it all and hang out with me as much as possible in the week, are practically my family. I love them very much. They’re my friends because we all get along, love the same things, and have fun times together. The people I don’t talk to much, that I maybe had a few fun bar times with…well…I don’t miss them much. I’ve let a lot of weird people into my life. We all do at some point. But I don’t need drama. I don’t need negativity. I’ve been very happy lately, with no need to complain. And I realized it’s because I have my real friends by my side.

I guess the point is, I spend a lot of time alone these days, more than I used to at school. My parents think otherwise (I still get out of the house pretty much every other day). I miss random drinking nights and apartment parties and meeting new people and I hope to have more of those in my future. But I like my anti-social moments because they teach me a lot about myself. I like learning who I want to be and the types of people I want around me.

And even though I get to see my lovely friends a lot…there are still some scattered out there, all over…I miss their faces.

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