
Full Weekend

I have been lounging in my pajamas all day today. I haven’t done this in a long time and man, does it feel good! I must say, the weekend has been good to me. I like having activities to look forward to and fun with good people.

On Friday, I decided to drag my dad out bowling. In my early teen years, my parents would always take my sister and I to malls and restaurants and book stores out of town and long car rides where I would zone out listening to my Walkman and dreaming up book ideas. A lot has changed since then, and since we gained or lost boyfriends and new best friends and driver’s licenses and college lives. But I still enjoy going out and having fun with my family as much as possible. So we got a couple of pitchers and bowled a few games. I am obsessed with bowling, by the way. If I had a date, that would be one of the places I’d like to go…


Last night, I went out with my girlfriends for a hibachi dinner. I’ve only been to one once in my life, and it was probably almost a decade ago. I forgot how much fun and how tasty it is. We also went to go see the movie Nine. I’m not raving about it, but I’d love to be as sexy as Penelope Cruz.


Sundays usually make me sad. Sure, I have the whole day to lounge and relax, but even as a kid in elementary school, it was a countdown to responsibility and things that are un-fun. But, I always have the next weekend to look forward to. Technically, it will be a “long weekend.” But the problem is, I work on Saturday (for 4 hours and I’m done by 1 so it’s not biggie) so I don’t get the full effect. But I hope to fill up those few days of freedom with fun. If you know me, hollaaaaa.

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