
The Past and Pending…

Today, I got hit with a bunch of old insecurities. Seriously old. Like, remembering the time my 8th grade crush stopped talking to me because a friend of mine (we’re not really friends anymore) told him I liked him against my will. That sucked. Because I didn’t like him because he was cute or something. He sat behind me in nearly every class and made me laugh and talked to me about Friends (I was obsessed in junior high. Still love it, but those were my hay days).

Growing up is so funny. The best and worst part about it is realizing all the mistakes you’ve made and trying to learn from them. No one likes to look back and remember things that hurt them or that they may have done to hurt someone. But you have to because you learn from them.

Even though I hate remembering things that obviously suck, I feel like I’m finally ready to use those things to change my present. I know I’m still prone to screw things up and have my feelings hurt by little things that shouldn’t matter. But I’m excited to use the bad things to lead to the good things.

Despite the fact that I want to grow into myself more, I have no plans for gettin’ old too soon. I still want to have fun and play around…but with the lessons I’ve learned to help me along the way.

{I thought ending with a baby pic of me would be a nice touch}

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