
Holga Babies and Stress

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It’s one of those weeks where I cannot wait for the weekend. Lately, I feel drained and blah. Lacking in inspiration and creativity. But I want to use this as drive for greater things.

Don’t like something? Change it.

The only problem is, I have a really hard time getting off my butt and getting things I want (unless it has a reasonable price tag). I never try and achieve my goals. And why shouldn’t I? This is my life. And I want to enjoy it and look back and thank God I got to do what I loved for so long. I want to wake up everyday excited to do my work. I want to express myself. I just have to do it.

It’s so sad that it’s hard for me to improve my life. I always take the easy way. Which is nice, because I have a job in a time when there are many who don’t. I am doing it for a reason. I believe that you have to work for things but I also believe that opportunities happen for a reason, that I must be doing this so that it can lead me to the next chapter. But I won’t talk about destiny and fate and all that stuff…too deep.

All I know is, I am excited to sleep in. I’m excited to be myself for a couple days, and not worry about rules or regulations. I just have to make it through tomorrow.

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