
Birthday Stuff

Monday was my 27th birthday. Wowza, guys. Time really flies.
The past two years, we held some pretty great parties (here and here), but this year was all about simple and quiet.
I kept forgetting my birthday was coming, even when Brad or my mom would ask what I wanted (which I hate getting asked because I don’t want to sound greedy and also, I don’t ever really know).
I knew I wanted a nice, intimate dinner at a restaurant I love and just relax and enjoy some time without work.
Brad made reservations for Rustic Kitchen, Maria and Josh came in for a couple of days, and Nick and Paulina joined us for dressing up, eating a bunch of delicious food, and drinking sangria!

Birthdays always surprise me. I don’t expect anything ever.
But for some reason, I get lovely surprises each year. I’m so grateful, always, to have amazing people in my life, whether they celebrated my birthday with me or not. It is so nice to have a reminder of the good in this life.

Here are some of the wonderful things from my birthday:

Rustic Kitchen is a restaurant inside of the casino. It’s a chain, but I just love the atmosphere. Lots of awesome lights, vintage posters and wine labels, and some amazing sangria. I had the tiramisu for dessert (with a candle, obviously) and it was probably the best thing I have eaten in a while. That and their amazing risotto balls…holy moly.


I got to gamble a little (no luck), but Maria kept by my side and took so many photos. I absolutely love this little collage!


I was completely surprised by a piñata made by my friend Paulina filled with my favorite candies.
I won’t need to buy any sweets for quite some time.


Brad got me my new favorite jeans ever (and I happen to know that they were 0n SUPER sale). They are high-waisted and freakin’ fantastic. I’ve wanted a pair like this for a while and they are perfect! I think high-waisted is gonna be my new thing this summer. I already have a pair of black shorts I can’t wait to break out for the warmer weather.


More sweet treats. Between the candy (which I’ve barely touched…kind of saving it for those desperate sweet tooth days) and ice cream cake and cheesecake, I had waaaaaayyyy too much sugar this week. And it was delightful!
Also, yes, it was my “Irthday” according to my parents’ cheesecake surprise. That made it better, I think!

To everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday, thank you! It was!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute, looks like the perfect birthday :)
