
August Photo a Day Challenge Completed

Guys, it’s SEPTEMBER! Apologies for the little hiatus I took last week. I actually had some stuff I wanted to blog about, but I’ve been in this super-lazy, lounge-y mode lately. Last week, I spent a lot of after-work evenings in my sister’s room watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix. Man, that show is the best kind of guilty pleasure.

Anyway, I’m still enjoying my Labor Day over here (by once again being lazy and lounge-y), so I figured I’d post the results of my
Fat Mum Slim August Photo a Day Challenge! Here’s the list:


Here are my photos:


1. I go crazy if I don’t take a walk outside during my breaks at work.
2. I only had one dollar left in my wallet on that payday…thank God it wouldn’t be that little for long!
3. I made a huge stress in saying that the medallions/medals on that cider look like coins.
4. The couch at Brad and Lou’s is somewhere I sat.
5. I did two photos for logo: The new bottle of Cheer and that cute can of sauce from Sam’s Club.
6. This is my hand writing from a very short story I wrote a couple of years ago.
7. On a Tuesday at 8 o clock, you can usually find me at Dana’s watching TV.
8. I was a little bummed out because I hate wearing my glasses to the gym.
9. My life is just as messy as my room is, which is probably why my life feels so messy.
10. This owl ring was inexpensive and it’s one of my favorites.
11. There’s purple in this multi-colored skirt I almost wore.
12. Stirring my coffee with a spoon.
13. The beautiful sky is something simple that makes me incredibly happy.
14. I love this Hunger Games inspired necklace I have, with the Mockingjay, arrow and “pearl” for Peeta.
15. Maria and I were so ready to hit the road and enjoy an afternoon at the Hometown Auction.
16. Yummy pulled pork for dinner, that’s some great food.
17. Love the faces of the boys on this British show, The Inbetweeners.
18. Artie burrowed himself inside of Maria’s Missoni for Target blanket.
19. Holes in the table, Maria’s feet in the background.
20. Today (that day), I found over 30 mustaches taped to different office supplies around my work space.
21. Cool as a cucumber roll.
22. The road home.
23. A new pair of earrings I bought (and haven’t worn yet!!!).
24. The path to Brad’s doorway.
25. Fresh salsa and chips at La Tolteca.
26. I dreamt in this bed all alone.
27. The bathroom tap.
28. Off the clock and enjoying the freedom.
29. Looking down at one of my favorite shirts of all time, in pretty chevron colors.
30. Scratch off lottery ticket cards…I have a slight addiction.
31. I’m hidden in this picture.

And that’s all! I’ve already begun the September challenge, of course. Can’t believe it. Time really flies. Like I say after every challenge.
Because it’s true!

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