

I love blogs. Adore them. I check the same few everyday. I’m always looking for new ones to read.

Is that strange? I don’t know why we take part in the Blogosphere, what makes us do it, why we take joy in it.

Let’s face it, this is a little site that I just use to document the little things in my life, share moments, my pictures, some thoughts and opinions. It’s for me to record. If people read it, then that’s excellent, even if it’s just people who know me already. Or no one at all.

I know some people make fun of blogs and things like this because most people think, “Why is your life or what you have to say so important? Who cares?” SO MANY PEOPLE DO. I look at all these blogs and see what the people who write them are doing because of it, and I’m in awe.

At first, you do it for yourself. And then who knows what can happen? That’s what I love about them. The possibilities. And I don’t know, it’s nice to get inspiration and relate to people, even if you don’t know them or ever talk to them.

If you want to check out some great, inspiring blogs, look to the left. I follow those everyday, and I promise you’ll find something to be inspired about!

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