How does one go back to a normal 9-5 (or in my case, 8:30-4:30) life after having a fantastic weekend? I checked the weather for the weekend and it is supposed to get as high as 82 degrees here. Needless to say, I’m incredibly ecstatic. I bought a couple of new skirts in Philly and I cannot wait to wear them. Unfortunately, today is gray and freezing for April. I want my spring back. I want my freedom back. I cannot wait for more fun. This week has cemented the fact that I want to cram a lot of day and weekend trips into my summer. And I will do it as much as possible…I hope.
(Some Instax photos from the weekend. I love my camera and I got a little snap happy. But when I saw this entry in one of my favorite blogs, I got jealous. I need to get outta town and take pictures of excellent things. I’m getting sick and running out of inspiration at home.)