I listen to a lot of music, and I’m always down to hear new stuff, but it’s very hard in my opinion to find bands that you want to listen to over and over, and can enjoy every album they put out. Luckily, Minus the Bear is one of those bands.
I don’t exactly know how to describe them so I’ll take a page from their official website: “Founded in 2001, Minus the Bear earned immediate attention with their distinctive spastic prog-pop hybrid, all serrated rhythms, swirling synths, and guitarist Dave Knudson’s multi-layered, pedal-hopping acrobatics.”
The music is gorgeous and elaborate all on it’s own, but the lyrics are what cement it for me. The majority of them (and I’m talking like…97%) are about sex, love, partying, traveling, and enjoying life (usually all in the same song). It’s hard to listen to it without getting in the mood for any of the above. Everything meshes together into theses fantastic songs that are perfect to drink wine to or make love to or drive around late at night with the windows down to.
It’s hard to pick just one song to share with you, as I highly recommend all of their albums and EPs (and latest album OMNI comes out very soon!). But this is definitely one of their tops.