

I listened to this song at least 5 times today…

I love apple slices with peanut butter. My day feels incomplete without that snack lately

My sister makes me laugh harder than most people I know.

It snowed today and made me really sad. Luckily, the weather will be picking up. I need the sunshine and light jackets. And maybe the possibility of wearing a dress without tights.

I want the weekend badly. I don’t want to wish my days away. But I want to relax again.

I finally got blue cheese crumbles for my salads. I’ve been craving.

I’m impatiently anticipating the arrival of my new cameras!


Fleeting Weekends

I hate when the weekend comes to an end. Especially when I have a great one. I work 5 days a week (sometimes 6) to get to these two glorious days of freedom and fun.

On Friday, I went with my sister and her friends (who, I should always say, are also my friends) to the casino. I am not a big gambler, but the place is open 24/7, so it didn’t matter that we got there at 11, enjoyed a couple of drinks and some “band-oke”, and attempted to win some money (none of us made it big).
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I blogged about it yesterday, but Saturday was spent in New Jersey to celebrate my cousin’s engagement party. There were so many people, I didn’t even get a proper chance to congratulate the couple or see her ring. Instead, we enjoyed some family company, ate delicious hors d'oeuvres, drank wine, and played with our 4 year old cousin Danny. We love him and his crazy energy. And you know I was in love with the house…

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I’m sad that I have to go back to the grind tomorrow and for the next 5 days in general. But another weekend will follow. I love my free time. I wish it didn’t have to go so quickly…

Dream House

riversideMy cousin is getting married in November, so her fiancĂ©’s parents held an engagement party at their house on the lake in New Jersey. I fell in love instantly. Something about water calms me and makes me feel alive. Not to mention the house itself was gorgeous…
riverside2When we raved about the place (from the location to the decor), her future mother-in-law said she felt so blessed to be able to have such a wonderful house in such a beautiful spot, which I thought was perfect. I love when people are thankful for what they have, especially when it is so amazing. You can tell they worked for it and on it to make it perfect, and I hope it’s not the last time I get to see the place (and maybe one day own a house just like it…).

P.S. That camera below should be coming in the mail sometime next week. Yes, I’ll have 5 cameras. No, I don’t really care. Actually, yes I do. I love it.




Could this be the next addition to my ever-growing camera family(camily?)? I am thinking it might be. I’ll give it some time. But 35 mm plus multiple exposures/bulb setting plus fisheye view sounds all sorts of perfect to me. For more info, check it here.

P.P.S. It’s kinda taking lots of strength to not just buy it right now…


New Addition

Well, I’ve made another camera purchase. The fourth baby to enter my ever-growing family is the Fuji Instax 7s. I am very excited about this one. It’s still film but it has the instant gratification of a digital camera.

Since the fate of Polaroid (in my opinion) is still sort of up in the air, I figured this was my best bet. Film is still in production. I bought a kit, the camera plus 5 twin packs of film (or 100 pictures!). I am so excited for the package to arrive (within the next week hopefully!) and give it a new home, in my hands!

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I hate to admit it…

but I think I’m really starting to like Kristen Stewart. When the whole Twilight phenomena started, she really seemed to be unappreciative of her sudden fame. Luckily, it seems like she’s eased up. She should definitely be thankful…I think her career is opening up more, and she can do big and small films pretty easily.kstew Mostly I’m obsessed with her hair. I hope to do something like this one day.

But I’m starting to get used to her awkward and uncomfortable interviews and red carpet walks. At least it seems real. And I like when celebrities don’t seem to change because they are more well known. They are still humans, even if everyone on the planet knows who they are.

And she’s definitely not Miley Cyrus. Have you heard about her quote in Teen Vogue? When asked about her boyfriend:
"I think we're both deeper than normal people -- what they think and how they feel. He's very grateful for what he has, but he doesn't let it go to his head. I'm like that too.” I don’t even think I need to go into why that’s wrong.


I’ll just end on that note. 


Menos el Oso

I listen to a lot of music, and I’m always down to hear new stuff, but it’s very hard in my opinion to find bands that you want to listen to over and over, and can enjoy every album they put out. Luckily, Minus the Bear is one of those bands.


I don’t exactly know how to describe them so I’ll take a page from their official website: “Founded in 2001, Minus the Bear earned immediate attention with their distinctive spastic prog-pop hybrid, all serrated rhythms, swirling synths, and guitarist Dave Knudson’s multi-layered, pedal-hopping acrobatics.”

The music is gorgeous and elaborate all on it’s own, but the lyrics are what cement it for me. The majority of them (and I’m talking like…97%) are about sex, love, partying, traveling, and enjoying life (usually all in the same song). It’s hard to listen to it without getting in the mood for any of the above. Everything meshes together into theses fantastic songs that are perfect to drink wine to or make love to or drive around late at night with the windows down to.

It’s hard to pick just one song to share with you, as I highly recommend all of their albums and EPs (and latest album OMNI comes out very soon!). But this is definitely one of their tops.

Another one to add to the list…

This looks pretty damn good. I thoroughly enjoy movies that have a realistic take on love (Nights and Weekends and London are a couple of my recommendations). This shit doesn’t always work out. Or we keep trying to make it work when it won’t. Or we hold on because we are so afraid, every single one of us, of the unknown. Even if it could be good…

I’ve been single for a long time. I haven’t been really acted or felt like someone’s girlfriend since 2007, even when I was dating/hanging out with boys. Because of this, I relate to movies that don’t have the typical “happily ever after” ending. I find comfort in other people’s awkward romantic entanglements because…well, that’s all I usually have. It’s nice to not feel alone.

I always feel like I sound cynical. I believe in love. I believe in partnership and companionship and true friendship. It’s just so damn hard to find at this age. We’re all so selfish. And that’s probably a good thing, because when we get ourselves into serious relationships, that goes out the window. I want a marriage and babies and family dinners. But right now, I’m content with being committed to my closet, my cameras, and my computer.

When it happens, I think I’ll be prepared for it, taking all of this time to be comfortable with who I am alone.


Action Samples

Finished up my second roll from the Action Sampler. We’re getting there. I need to literally shoot from the hip more. I’m often missing most of the action (hardy har, pun intended).

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Practice makes perfect.

Spring Weekend

You know those days where you just kinda fly by the seat of your pants? That was yesterday for me, and quite perfect considering the beautiful weather for the first day of Spring.

Plans sort of fell through, but we didn’t let that stop us. A couple summers ago (actually, almost 3…damn), we made a dance video and everyone’s been itching to make another. So we set out to meet at our friend’s house and film some clips. Yeah, he wasn’t home. So we ended up filming some stuff anyways, and eventually wandering to the nearby baseball field to shoot some more stuff and have an impromptu playground photo shoot.

behind IMG_2694 flip IMG_2755 slide air After this, we decided to get some free Rita’s. Ed never had Rita’s Italian Ice before, but what better time to try it than when you don’t have to pay? I’m pleased to say his fickle taste buds enjoyed!
IMG_2846 IMG_2842I love random fun days. And wearing a light jacket. I have new sunglasses to rock for this spring 2010. And, obviously, great friends to spend sunny days with. Life is good. 


The Runaways

The Runaways movie image Yes, I want to see this movie. Kristen Stewart isn’t the greatest actress in the world, but I can’t help but like her. Maybe it’s just because she’s so normal. Sometimes watching her in interviews is like watching a near-miss train wreck..I feel awkward because of how awkward she comes off. But really, it looks like Dakota Fanning takes the cake (she’s really the main character in the film anyway). Can you believe she’s only 16? And she plays these rolls so well. It’s nice to see a young actress do just that…act. And well. runaways2

But anyways, the outfits, the rock and roll, the badassery…yeah, I’ll be checking out this movie as soon as possible.


Little Lovely Life Moments



I love how golden the sky gets when the sun is setting. And travel. And conversation. I still love this movie.

I think I’ll watch it as I fall asleep…

10-Day Forecast

Holga 014 It is soooo nice to check Weather.com and see sunshine and temperatures in the 50s! I feel like it’s been too long. Sure, it looks like there will be some impending rain at the end of the weekend. But…it isn’t snow!

The way I see it, it will only go up from here. Eventually, it will be consistently above 50 and 60 degrees. And eventually, I will not need a coat anymore. And eventually the sun will shine longer and I will be licking melted ice cream cone off my hand, all relaxed and tired from swimming and sunning the whole day. Yum!


They say it’s your birthday.

So, Saturday was my sister Maria’s 21st birthday! Initially, she was going to spend the majority of it in Philly and come home Sunday for cake and dinner with the family. She ended up coming home on Saturday night, and my friends and I tagged along with her to our favorite hometown haunt to celebrate.

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We celebrated the next day with Hibachi dinners at Mirakuya (complete with tons of squirted Saki shots and free fried ice cream for my sis). I love Hibachi. The entire experience is funny and enjoyable and the food is always delicious. And even though they cook it right in front of you on the table, it’s always perfectly cooked and ready to eat right away.

IMG_2427 IMG_2428 saki And no birthday is complete without cake and ice cream!
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I’m so glad I got to celebrate this special birthday with her! We had a lot of fun, drinks, and good food. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to have fun with her, because I don’t really have the money to drive to Philly and back right now. But she ended up coming home, which is exactly where we all wanted her to be!


Upcoming Changes and Updates

I hate when I don’t blog regularly. My last post was on Wednesday. Maybe not that long ago, and maybe it doesn’t actually matter. But I get frustrated personally because not a day goes by that I don’t plan a post in my head. I suppose I’ve been busy and/or running around a lot these last few days.

Anyway, I was attempting to figure out how I could fix up and change my blog around. I have a friend who is pretty knowledgeable in graphic design and stuff. I wish I could do it on my own. I would just love a layout that looks less like a template and more personal. I want to make this blog a fun place to come.

Hopefully, I will be working on some things and you’ll see some changes around here soon. A banner will most definitely be the first change. But we shall see. I’ll be posting about my weekend (which was pretty good and, as always, way too quick) later tonight!


Flyin’ High

I don’t wear heels. I have two pairs, and while they have gotten some use (one a pair of booties, the other knee-high boots), I just never want to wear them. Everything I wear is flat. Ballet flats, sneakers, even my boots have less than a 1” heel if anything at all. But I kinda fell in love with a bunch of cut-out booties and gladiator heels (thanks to an article in Seventeen Magazine, and the website Urban Original).


The few times I do wear heels…well, there’s something about them. I usually tower over everyone (one of the few reasons why I don’t wear them), but the way you have to walk in them and stand…it commands confidence. It’s hard not to feel sexy or strong or womanly (unless they are super-uncomfortable). I don’t think I’ll be filling my closet anytime soon. But a killer pair wouldn’t hurt…and all of the shoes I liked from here were very much in my price range.