It is a gray, rainy day. I’ve mentioned many times how much I love those. Sometimes, I wish I had someone to spend it with. I miss college so much lately, but especially when I’d like to be lounging with my friends in one of our rooms, watching crappy movies, snacking, and typically nursing hangovers.
I had a good weekend. Maria came home Friday, and, after much debate, we decided to head up to Wilkes-Barre to look around at some of the stores, get a late dinner at Panera Bread, and read magazines (and craft books, in her case) at Barnes and Noble. No matter what, we always have a good time, laughing tons and basically acting ridiculous.
Yesterday I woke up early to head to my hair appointment. The salon is 45 minutes away, but it’s worth it. I’ve loved Ashley since I first went to her back in 2008. She is worth the trek and the money. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my hair, but when I took it out of the ponytail, she gushed at the length. She’s only known me with hair no longer than chin-length, so she encouraged me to keep growing and gave me some shape and bangs ( I’ve missed bangs!). I was getting bored and insecure with my hair, but I forgot that I haven’t had a good haircut since I went to her last March. I’ve only gotten a trim since then and it was from an older woman and at a crappy place because I was desperate for a bang trim, which she didn’t actually give me anyway. Let that be a lesson…never stoop, just go for the goods.
I experience a new first in my life. SNOW TUBING. We listen to the radio at work all day long, and they’ve been advertising it like crazy so I randomly mentioned it to my friends. Next thing you know, we’re setting up a date on Facebook to go for it. I was super nervous, like when you go on a rollercoaster for the first time, but, like with the rollercoaster, I fell in love and kept going back for more. I will definitely try to go back and do it again before the winter season is over. But this time, I’ll make sure I don’t hurt my tailbone and I’ll load up on extra pairs of socks.
As for today, I’ll be lounging in my room, playing mellow music and looking at blogs and eventually going to Joe’s to watch Lost and finish up the 3rd season. I’ve given up on the prospect of us actually catching up in time for the new season (FEB 2nd!!!), but at least I’ve seen them all anyways. I just wanted a refresher. Man, I love that show.
Part of me is wishing I had my own place in a city somewhere. I’d love to bundle up and walk the streets, eventually stopping in some cafe to have a cup of coffee and read a book or something. One day.