
LBI Weekend

174 I am back from an excellent trip. It was exactly what I needed. Time out of the house and around people I love. Just like college without the class work. I can only hope that I get another opportunity to do something like this again sooner than later.

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I also took a whole roll of Holga pictures at the beach. I am hope hope hoping that they come out wonderful. The lack of knowledge is exciting and nerve-wracking. You can bet that as soon as I get my hands on them, you’ll be seeing them too.


Actions speak louder…





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Fun nights with friends.
One more day ‘til the beach with a big group of people. I was supposed to be there less than 24 hours from now but things didn’t work out that way. I hope its still fun. If not, I’ll create another beach trip soon.



I had a glorious day.
With glorious friends.
And it’s finally getting sunny.

What a good life.

Happy Father’s Day – Late Edition

Well, I know this is late, and I posted about Bradley Cooper (who I wouldn’t mind being the father of my children in the future)instead of my wonderful father. But I want to show you a great picture of us.


And I’ll have you know that I actually spent my day with him. We ate dinner, I took him for ice cream (might treat :) ), and we watched Frost/Nixon. We watch a lot of movies lately and I couldn’t ask for a better movie buddy.


I’m your F-A-N, M-A-N

I don’t think there’s anything more blatantly single than having a crush on a celebrity. I mean, come on. They’re completely unattainable. So when you find yourself fantasizing strictly about them, you know you’re in some kind of dating drought.

Currently, I cannot get over Bradley Cooper.



So hot I could scream. And funny too. But he also lives in California, is 12 years older than me, and…oh yeah, is a hot celebrity who I’ll never meet. Oh well…a girl can dream.

Just Sayin’

You haven’t lived until you’ve

  • worn leggings as pants (obviously not sheer)
  • eaten at least 3 plates of buffet food
  • watched the entire series of a TV show on DVD
  • slept in until noon
  • stayed up until at least 4 AM
  • driven out of the state (or out of your comfort zone alone)
  • tried Superhero popsicles
  • stretched 20 dollars
  • done a tequila shot
  • boarded an airplane by yourself (bonus points if you leave the country!)
  • picnicked in the park
  • made yourself (and/or someone you love) breakfast

I could probably go on and on forever about the big and little things that make life grand. But I’ll stop now and leave you to your own devices…




  • Sleeping in is almost always the best medicine
  • Water is too
  • Dollar drinks aren’t always the best idea
  • Revlon nail clippers are the best
  • He’s probably just not that into you
  • Sisters are the best kinds of friends

I had a pretty miserable day today. I couldn’t stop getting sick. I had to leave work and everything. Such a bummer. But once I got some more sleep, my stomach calmed down. I think this might finally be the end of my few weeks of sickness. I’ve dealt with everything in the book.

Anyway, my sister is leaving for Florida when I’m at work today. I won’t see her for 3 weeks!!!! She invited me to dinner at local Mexican restaurant, the Brass Buckle. We ate salads and a plate of filling nachos. Then, after I laid down for a while, we gave my dad his father’s day present since she won’t be here on Sunday. I also gave my mom her very very very belated Mother’s day present. Despite the miserable beginning, everything ended pretty well.

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I could go for…

A Caramel Iced Latte from Dunkin’ Donuts


A pepperoni pizza with the perfect combo of sauce and cheese and a just floppy enough thin crust…


Nestle’s Buncha Crunch, Sour Punch Straws, Sour Patch Kids, and anything else that looks appealing in the candy aisle


Soft-serve twist ice cream with sprinkles and peanuts.

Ice Cream with Sprinkles

Also, feel free to throw in a veggie platter with ranch dip, pickles, hummus and chips, and cherry Coke.



My name is Paul Rudd.


I’m really hot.


If he’s in it, I will watch it.


I don’t drink coffee…basically ever, so I’m realizing now that coffee breath is kind of the worst.

I’m jittery and I will have a rough time sleeping tonight. And I have work in the morning. And I have to get up extra early so I get there on time.

I’m going to the beach in a little over a week…I’m excited! I can’t wait to pack my bag with sandals, bikini, beach reads, and sunblock.

I can’t stop thinking about all the cute clothes at Wal-Mart…especially the shorts. I may have to go back and snag a couple pairs.

I get a pain on the right side of my teeth when I run or jump. I also don’t have insurance right now. Ugh.

I love finding new blogs. Thanks to one of my faves, I now love this. Try to look at it without breaking out into a smiley or saying “awwwww”.

Oh, and I still love Gwen Stefani.

hollaback_girl--large-msg-112345484Especially when she had pink hair. 


Once in a while…

…you have one of those unplanned, great days. And what’s even better is, the day started off kind of sucky for me. And I went into it pretty sure that it was going to end with me in tears or hating my life at some point. What a great turn of events.

I spent most of the day in dirty, cheapo discount stores. The first being the worst, which, in this case, was the best. I unfortunately didn’t bring my camera but I managed to take two photos with my phone, and despite the quality they pretty much sum this store up (it shall remain nameless as I diss it…but its still fantastic).

Photo249Photo252A store where you can buy unhygienic toothbrushes, neon purple pleather jackets, deli meat from a woman who doesn’t wear a hairnet, and tennis balls that don’t bounce? YES PLEASE! 

On top of that, we went to similar stores (though a bit cleaner) like Ollies and Dollar Tree, where I found (as usual) great cute things for dirt cheap, and ate at a favorite Chinese restaurant in town.

To top it off, I met with lady friend and former roomie Tracy for 99 cent iced lattes at Dunkin’ Donuts and a little excursion at Wal-Mart. All in all, it was an eventful day. CIMG0108 Tomorrow, its back to the grind. But this day gave me faith that there will be more like it.



I need to start growing up.
I need to set a bedtime and wake up time.
I need to look for a 9-5 job that will give me good benefits and a salary.
I need to get business attire because I will probably end up somewhere that doesn’t let me be myself at work.
I need to get insurance.
Pay loans.
Pay bills.
Eventually get my own place.


Why is it?

Everything comes down to lists these days. Lists of things to do. Lists of things you need. Lists of things you like. Lists of things you don’t like. Everywhere I look, I see a list. Or I’m creating one in my head.

They are helpful. The good ones can be funny or enlightening. They can remind you of things you love or things that must be done.

But now I feel like I’m making lists I can’t even keep up with. And I also feel like the next list I make will not be a fun one.

You know, sometimes you really do need to sit back and evaluate (and re-evaluate) the things in your life. The people. The habits. Your financial situation. I guess in some ways, its helpful. But its disappointing, too. To have to fix everything you do. To see what’s worth it, what’s not. To see if you’ll waste your time. To see if it will work out, if it ever really did. I need to do this. I don’t want to. But I need to.

bored At first I was worried this was me. But I don’t think I’ve used the word “bored” recently. Just disappointed and ready for action.

And in other news, I realized, after taking 12 pictures, that I had the film setting wrong on my Holga. Who knows if the pictures will even come out? I sure hope so. But it doesn’t matter anyway, because I don’t even know where I will be developing the pictures anyway!

Image from PaperTissue


Somebody’s Somebody


Is it wrong to want to be with someone?

I am such a picky person. I can’t help it. I know that the relationships you see in the movies and hear about in music isn’t really an accurate portrayal of real love. But it’s definitely affected my life. Sure, I know I’m not going to have my moment in the rain outside of the airport where my one true love stops me from moving my life so that we can start our own.

But who knows? Maybe I will have some kinda picture perfect relationship (well, for me, anyway)

All I know is, I am excited to meet the one. Not anxious. Not trying to push it along. I know that right now, it’s not right.

But one day, I might just be lucky enough to share movies, the couch, the popcorn bowl, the bedroom, and the life with someone I can call my best friend and my lover.

Until then, I’ll live vicariously through the lives of her and her hubby…they just have the cutest relationship and life.

P.S. This is the last time you’ll hear me talk like this. But I just had to say it.




Unless I’ve been planning on doing one of various outdoor activities, I love the rain. I always have. Perhaps its because, when the weather is warm and clear, you’re expected to go go go. And while I love being active and being out of the house for as long as possible, waking up to what sounds like a torrential downpour is strangely comforting to me.

It’s the one time when people actually stay in the house and finally relax. If you go somewhere, its usually the video store or the pizza place, to grab the essentials for cuddling and staying inside all day.

I have work tonight, unfortunately, which means I will be driving 30 minutes on I-81 in this mess.006And considering I do have plans to be outside tomorrow, I hope this weather doesn’t stay. However, for now, even though I’ll be leaving for work in a couple of hours, I’ll be making a grilled cheese sandwich and sitting inside, cozy, listening to the raindrops on the windows.

Shake It

So, again…I’m 22 years young, it’s early Saturday morning…I should be out somewhere shaking my groove thing. Is it strange that, for as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a hip hop dancer? I’m by no means as good as Ciara or Aaliyah (RIP)…but people do tell me I have some smooth moves. In fact, here I am…dancing in my Jazz Dance group for our final performance. See if you can spot me from my photos!

Oh, and I just noticed now the 1 1/2 stars we got ranked…once you watch it you’ll understand why. But then again…it’s not like you’d expect it to be that good.


Girl Power!

Last night was the Paramore/No Doubt concert, though I should just call it the No Doubt Reunion Tour Concert. I have loved No Doubt for a long time now, but I had completely forgotten this (probably due to their lack of…well, being a unit for a while now) until they rocked my socks off last night. I jumped, danced, sang, and screamed despite the fact that I was suffering from a head cold (still am).

What was so great about this concert was that I got to see 3 ladies shake it and sing their hearts out on stage. No lip synching. No headset. Just singing and yelling their fabulous hearts out.

And now I want to be a rockstar. Thanks gals!

Maja_Ivarsson_of_The_Sounds_by_eX_Perience Maja Ivarsson of The Sounds


Hayley Williams of Paramore


Gwen Stefani of No Doubt

P.S. These aren’t obviously my pictures (they are linked) because I rocked out on the lawn. If only…


Rock On


Despite the fact that I woke up with a full-blown cold (congestion, stuffy nose, scratchy throat), I will still be enjoying the Paramore/No Doubt concert in Camden tonight!

Fingers crossed it doesn’t rain. And who knows…maybe it will heal me?




Sex-and-the-city-sequel-news It may sound so cliche, but one of my favorite shows ever is Sex and the City. I didn’t watch it until well after the whole series had run its course, but I had always been curious (and rightfully so, considering I was post-pubescent and curious about sex and the fuss surrounding such a popular show about it). When I graduated high school, I had an unlimited movie pass at Blockbuster Video (yes, I’ve always had a relationship with the store, even before I started working there). I decided, since I was old enough, to finally give it a shot.

And that was it. My sister, my mom, and I were hooked. The clothes, the comedy, the drama, the sex, the issues. There is something about it that will remain universal and relatable.

I think there’s a lot of things that keep people from watching it. Everyone has seen it. It’s raunchy or out of control. Too much drama. But the stories, the issues, the relationships, while they may at times seem outlandish, are things that many people will go through or know someone who has gone through it. I’ve learned a lot from the show. But I’ve also been thoroughly entertained.

So, if you haven’t seen it, it’s that time of year, ladies. Go borrow your friend’s copy. Go rent it at your local video store. Or just watch it on TBS.

Summer is the perfect time to watch it.

P.S. The movie is okay, but if that’s all you know of these ladies, I HIGHLY suggest you backtrack.


Don’t Just Sit There…


I think that, whenever we get bored with our lives, its really time to sit down and think about just what will make us excited again. Often times, it could be something as simple as reading a new book on the back porch. Because my summer hasn’t really gone in the direction I had hoped, I have decided to make a list of things I want to do (big and small) so that I feel I am living my life to the fullest.

  • Jim Thorpe, for real this time.
  • Laying out and swimming at Hickory Run
  • Trip to Lehigh Valley Mall and trying Cici’s Pizza
  • King of Prussia trip
  • Weekend getaway to the Finger Lakes in New York for wine-tasting and beautiful scenery
  • Beach trips
  • Maybe the casino?
  • Hometown Auction as much as possible
  • Mini-golf, bowling, maybe more rollerskating
  • Drive-In…man, I forgot that even existed
  • Late-night diner trips and drives around the area

I know my blog has become a large list of things I want to do, things that I have yet to do. But putting them down here reminds me that I want to do it and that I should finally get the ball rolling. I cannot wait to make it happen.

Good to Know

In a shitty world filled with shitty things, it’s good to know you can still find some comfort in good movies. I will always take great joy in a “cinematic adventure” (Thanks, Dane Cook).

My latest recommendations:

gran-torino-trailerGran Torino


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


The Wrestler 

These movies made me cry hard, giggle, cringe, and shout. I can only hope there’s more movies like these in my future.


Things to Get Excited About

Because I haven’t been able to get out of the house much, I’ve found it necessary to get excited about the little things. Luckily, this isn’t hard. So, without further ado, the little things that have kept me going…

  • My brown straw fedora. Wore it all day today, even though I only got out of the house for a little while, to satiate my root beer float craving…003
  • Thom Yorke’s gorgeous voice in…well, anything. I highly recommend the song Reckoner off of the latest Radiohead album…hauntingly gorgeous. It makes me want to take a ride on a cloud on a rainy day over beautiful valleys.
  • Loading my Holga all by myself, taking a few pictures with my sister in the backyard, and searching for local places that will develop the film. I feel productive…I should be using this energy to find a job.
  • iWin’s huge selection of free full-length time management games.


  • The adorable Hayley Williams of Paramore…who I will be seeing live in less than a week. If only I could run into her…but I’d just freak out.

I go back to work tomorrow. Once I find out my schedule, I can’t start planning out my week again. There’s just so much going on, I feel. And not everyone is on the same page. But I have a bunch of ideas, so hopefully one or two or all of them will end up working out.




I wanna get back to the good life.

Image Link



500251940_25a3235835 I am in a complete funk. And to make matters worse, all of my issues have taken physical form and I won’t be going to Jim Thorpe today. I am miserable.

Image from Flickr

EDIT: Apologies for this post…though I’d rather update then delete it. It is genuine me after all. My problem was, I look forward to these times with friends. I feel like, these days, its hard to make a plan that will entertain everyone. But unfortunately, my stomach rebelled and left me forced to choose bed and a light, anti-diary diet for the next 24 hours…woopie. Jim Thorpe will always be there, along with more times with my friends. But it’s upsetting when your hopes get let down, eh? I just needed to get it off my chest.


Happy Things

f2OmQc1cjo0s89evMVGoe89Go1_500 Life is so rough sometimes. I hate feeling down and out, and unfortunately, I let myself get that way a lot. But the great thing is that it doesn’t take that much to cheer me up. Honestly. I may seem like a miserable, pessimistic person (unfortunately there are quite a few people who have seen this side of me too much) but I can flip flop that into cheerful and excited with one small thing. In tradition with one of my favorite blogs (Rockstar Diaries…if you haven’t read it yet, go NOW! They have the best life!), I decided to make up my own little list of things that make me super-duper happy.

  • A tall glass of cold water, especially in the morning when I’m particularly parched
  • Cotton candy sunsets
  • Free game trials on Playfirst or Arcadetown (Current Fave: Cooking Academy)
  • Chinese food anytime
  • Rousing board game play
  • A really good, unexpectedly spark-filled kiss
  • A drive down the valley with some good music playing
  • Staying in bed all day on a rainy day, especially if you have someone to cuddle with

Image from PaperTissue

In Your Dreams

I woke up early for me today (a little before 8 AM). I found myself checking my phone to see that I had only slept 5 hours. The only thing is, I wasn’t (still not) really tired anymore.

Despite this, I’m still in bed. I watched a movie (hey, it was free for me) and now I’m lookin’ through the internet, feeling pretty hungry and contemplating what to eat and what to do with the rest of my day.

One thing I certainly thought about was how vivid my dreams have been lately. I’m pretty sure that I’m talking and acting them out as I sleep. And its such a strange mixture of my past and my present. The things that I think about all the time and the things I try and push out of my mind.
For example:
My last dream involved me riding a ski lift through Wal-Mart (I’ve been wanting to go for days) and trying to convince my sister to watch Quarantine (I’ve been wanting to buy it for months). She ditched me (she usually does). At my old house (where I haven’t lived in 5 years?), I got upset over an ex about the same ol’ shit (happened all too often). Then, later on, I watched my mom leave for work in the same PJs she wears everyday (she doesn’t work and we were really proud I nearly cried) but my house was my school apartment (I miss you 124).

Crazy stuff. But right now, both of my parents are passed out (under the weather) and I’m still awake…aren’t I supposed to be the lazy kid sleeping until 2 PM?


They’re Hereeeee

I woke up rather late today, and I hate that. But as soon as I checked the front door, I was greeted with two separate packages, one from American Apparel and one from Fred Flare. SO EXCITING! leoI ended up settling on the zipper-front bodysuit, even though I wished I could get everything. This purchase proved it even more. The thing about American Apparel is that they make even the simplest item sexy and comfortable at the same time.002And there’s the beautiful CMY edition of the Holga
I have to admit…I’m kinda nervous about using it. I’m worried I will mess it up. Because of that, I find it extremely intimidating. But, I’m excited more than anything. I’m reading up, learning about all of the fun things I can do (color flash and multiple exposures – HERE I COME!). 

I plan on taking it for a test run in Jim Thorpe on Thursday. I can’t imagine a better place to take some test photos. I just need to find a way to develop them and its all good.