

When I was younger, I was close as can be to my family. My parents are fairly young in comparison to my friends' (41 and 45, respectively). We were always a tight knit clan and I'm proud to say I have an adorable, clever, and hysterical younger sister. We've been through tons and we fight more than we should, but I love her and I miss her, because it was too long ago it seems nowadays that we were attached to the hip.
She's rumored to be coming 'round again. The last time was quite wild and fun, so I can only hope :)

Time sure does fly...


Hail to the Kings

I am an enormous fan of Kings of Leon. I got to see them live last November, and I have to admit I'm frightened I won't get to see them again...word is, they are selling out arenas, and even Madison Square Garden.

I know a lot of fans are disappointed by this sudden rush of fame and popularity. I myself am usually a selfish music lover...I can try and hoard it all to myself. But Kings of Leon is the one thing I've actually been happy to hear getting big. The Followill family are a bunch of talented boys. Their latest album, Only By the Night came out this past fall and it is the first one to actually make an impact in the United States. Did I mention it's their FOURTH album? They are gigantic outside of the US.

Anyway, they are definitely on a different, unique, and still classic level. They deserve a lot of the attention that bands like U2, Coldplay, and Radiohead got over years of hard work. Radiohead is a perfect example of how I think Kings of Leon will be. It's hard to find someone who doesn't know their name. But even still, not many people like them or maybe even know their songs. Kings of Leon is similar. They are splashed on rock magazine covers and they have won the coveted Grammy, but that doesn't mean they will be blaring on mainstream radio anytime soon.

So I stand by my gorgeous, talented men, whether they blow up or not. And every album has a bit of different flare while still being perfectly Followillian. The only thing that upsets me is...well...

I can share the music...but I don't wanna share the man.


This Just In: I'm Broke

In case you haven't gotten the picture yet, I don't have much money.
This is a LARGE problem when you love clothes so much. Then again, you start to learn the tricks of the trade, the ways to get great things on an extremely tight budget.
I'm so excited to have an amazing summer. To wear sundresses way past the sunset. To exhaust my strappy sandals.
Just lookin' at some things I would love to own, and wear, this summer.

If you're curious...just peruse this site, this site, or this site.

I can't even begin to pick out singular items.
God, please let me do a shopping spree one day!


Taste of Summer

Day 1 of the expected 4 days of 80-degree weather.
I have red shoulders.
I slept in late, which is delectable and immediately washed up, threw on a sundress, and sat in the sunshine reading a book.
Quick lunch outside before I had to shower and get ready for work.
I'm pretty sure the burn came when I was eating. I felt the sun on my back but I didn't think I'd be that sensitive. I think I got London skin when I lived there for two months.
Work went by quick, which is good. But it's 11 PM on a Saturday night. I'm less than a month away from being 22 years old. I'm in college. And I'm BLOGGING.
There's something wrong with this picture.

I'm probably just going to curl up with a movie. Or maybe my book.
And speaking of books, have you read the Jessica Darling books by Megan McCafferty? (Top 5 on the list)
If you haven't...do. They are written in a journal style and even though the books start off with a teenager girl struggling through high school, they end with a woman graduated from college and that part of her life. It's insanely good. You'll find it in the Fiction section of your bookstore. These ain't no YA novels. And, interesting fact about Megan McCafferty, if you email her, she'll respond.
I know because I was a lucky email recipient years and years ago.

Also, waking up today was hard because I dreamt that I this guy below wanted to date me.

If only...



Since the weather is looking like this in humble NEPA, I couldn't be more excited for the weekend. Despite the fact that I have a good 7 hour shift at Blockbuster tomorrow, I'm planning on making this weekend fantastic and I don't intend on staying inside longer than I have to.
On a quick job note, I used to love working at Blockbuster. But lately, it's driving me nuts. For one, I'd rather work in the daytime and get my shift out of the way. Unfortunately, my shift tomorrow is from 4-11, so kinda sorta right when I'd rather be winding down or enjoying my day even more.
Which has just proved to me that I NEED to start looking for a real job...or something that won't drive me nuts like the big B. Hahaha. When I help customers, I tend to wish I was one of the content couples or relaxed loners who are about to curl up with a movie they want to watch. I MISS THAT. I hate when jobs make something simple un-fun.

At any rate, I only have 3 more days left of classes.

Also, the more I think about the end of my schooling, I can't help but look at the near future of summer vacation. Sure, the concept I've been going by will be done after this last one, or this last feeling of one. But I'm going to enjoy it anyways.
I'm looking forward to shorts and skirts, tank tops and strappy sandals. I will be going to the Hometown Auction as much as possible and loading up on chicken tenders, french fries, and Guers Iced Tea while rummaging through 1-5 dollar bins. I will make sure I lay out on the sand of Hickory Run lake at least a few times, hopefully staying away from getting burnt this time. I will eat my fill in soft-serve ice cream, grilled steak and chicken, and corn on the cob. I will enjoy my freedom. Yay.

Also, if you don't like the show Project Runway, well, I just don't know why. I am severely bummed that Bravo had issues and the show will no longer be on that channel (Instead, there is The Fashion Show, set to debut in about two weeks, and what I will consider a cheap knockoff until it proves me wrong). I heard a rumor that the next season of my beloved Project Runway will be airing on Lifetime this summer. Heidi Klum, Tim Gunn....you cannot go wrong! If this is true, then I am content.


Getting Excited

Starting off, I'd like to say sorry once again for rejecting the blog.
I'm hoping that once my computer is back home safely (over a week and not a word), I will be taking more pictures (and hopefully I won't have lost all of the others) and updating you more and more often. I really want to make this blog so much better, so much more like me, and something of a passion project. I love writing and sharing things I'm interested in. But especially with schoolwork and not even having my own personal laptop to work with right now, its hard.
And who knows how these next few weeks will go?
I have so much to do and/or think about.
Despite this, I would like to share a couple of links to things that make me really happy.

I also love this, this, and this.



I know there probably aren't a lot of you readers out there for this blog, but if so, I am terribly sorry I haven't written. By now, you have probably forgotten about me.
But life is totally crazy right now!

For starters, I only have 2 weeks left of college classes for the rest of my life today.

because of that, and because of impending finals, I am loaded not only with stuff to do but things to think about.

I have yet to put out my resume. I'm foolish for not doing it.

I'm lucky that I still have my gig at Blockbuster. But as people come and go and the place gets more dramatic, I'm getting bored with it.

Then again, in this economy, I'm lucky to have anything. But I'm also sure I can get something even better.

I just got back from Easter break on Monday.

It was so nice to be home with my family, despite the fact that we always end up fighting. My brain actually shut off about the typical drama I constantly feel in the apartment. As much as I love freedom from my family, I need that break from the people that drive me nuts. My family does too, but I'll love them regardless. College roomies? Not so much.

On top of the lag in writing, I got a virus on my laptop over the break.

SO ANGRY. It's my fault though, trying to watch Gossip Girl online.

Now my laptop is chillin' at IITS on my campus. I don't know when I'll get it back.

I'm using a school computer. Even though I feel nuts without my laptop sitting peacefully, waiting for me to use it on my desk, I've been a little more productive. Spent 2 hours in the library finishing up an 8 page paper. I still have to do the works cited, and yes its due tomorrow and I only finished most of it today. But hey! It's done.

I don't know when I'll get the computer back.

And even worse, I'm worried whatever my computer caught will destroy all the photos and music that I don't have backups of at all.

Then again...a new one wouldn't be so bad...well, whenever I can get the stuff from the old one on there.

All in all, life is nuts here.
But I wanna keep posting.
Don't give up yet.


Well, I guess this is growing up.

I am truly beginning to freak out!
This is my last full month of college classes...and no, this is no April Fool's!
I am allowing myself to succumb to the stress that I've been holding back.
Mainly because the end of the school year always means more work (in my case, bunches of final projects and papers and even a final dance presentation this semester). But also because this is the last time I have to deal with any of it. And I don't know how I feel about it.

Yes, I know I've been through something like this before. Leaving high school was crazy, but I knew I was going to college afterwards. There was no mystery. I just knew I'd be sleeping in a bed three feet away from a stranger 30 minutes away from my actual home and walking onto a campus for class. The only thing I didn't know was who was going to be my friend in the end of all this.
Now, as college ends, I know nothing. I haven't just recently come to the conclusion that I have no strong goals in my life, other than the long-lasting goal - I want to be HAPPY. That's it. I don't really care how. Just as long as I am passionate about my life, about whatever situation I am in, and I am content with the way things go. Sure, I will have my rough patches, I always do. But whatever.

I just don't know what I want to be. I know I should be out there, posting my resume. But I'm not. I know I should be trying to look for places to apply, but I'm not.
I don't want my major (mass communications, I love radio) to go to waste. But I don't know what I can do about it either.

For now, I'm going to try to get my work done as best as I can. It's not like I have that much anyway, by other people's standards.