
This Week’s Greatest Hits


On Monday, I baked cupcakes with yellow umbrellas on them in honor of How I Met Your Mother’s finale.
I was a nervous wreck before the show started and I was a sobbing sap throughout.
As many people are, I am conflicted with the ending. I don’t want to give away spoilers, because I hate them myself.
All I will say is that it could’ve been executed better (waaaaayyyy better) but that it’s still my favorite show and somehow, it’ll all be okay with me in a little while.
Also, big thanks to my family, who watched it with me (funny enough, it was the first time my father ever watched the show) and gave me tissues and didn’t talk and let me have my moment.


So, I spent a few mornings this week watching every Superfruit video on their YouTube channel. You probably have seen this Beyonce mash-up floating around (it’s the reason I started watching them in the first place and it’s…flawless), but I love Mitch and Scott. They are best friends who crack each other (and me) up and do the silliest things for 10 minutes and I love it. I told my friend Ed that it reminds me of us in college, finishing each other’s sentences and bursting into song and laughter at any and every given moment.
Keep watching ‘til the end of each video for funny bloopers.


Spent a bunch of quality time with Artie, which is important since he won’t be here after next week.
He, along with my sister, are moving to Virginia. Gotta squeeze in those cuddles while I can.


Started scrapbooking Marh and I’m super proud of my spreads. They are my favorites of the year so far.
I’m getting the hang of it. (It should also be said that Becky Higgins has officially become an idol for me. Her blog, the Project Life products, her response to fans…she’s great!).


I bought a bottle of Bluecoat Dry Gin (recommended to me by Kate, thank you!) and have had one (or more) G&Ts every night since. Last night, I changed it up and made a Blood Orange G&T. The recipe I found on Pinterest called for fresh blood orange juice but I couldn’t actually find blood oranges so….
I bought Cara Cara oranges and Blood Orange San Pellegrino and made my own little concoction.
Gin, a decent splash of tonic, mostly the SP, and some slices of the orange to soak in there. Yum!

Some pretty great moments this week, which was nice because there were some bad moments in there, too.
Just more reminders to appreciate the little things in life.
Have a great weekend!

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