
Maria’s 25th Birthday


Last Thursday, my sister Maria turned 25! For starters, wow. We are two years apart, me being the older sister, and I can’t help but feel that age. She will always be a little sister to me. Secondly, it’s another reminder of how things are changing and how quickly we are entering the “adult” world. The good thing is, being an age doesn’t always mean you have to act that age. Very important.

Each year, we have a dinner with the family. The birthday girl or boy picks a meal they want and what kind of birthday dessert they’d like (it’s very rarely the typical cake) and it gets done. This year, Maria requested Brinner (breakfast at dinner, a.k.a. the best meal ever) and we celebrated with mimosas, of course.

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Love you so much, sis! I’m glad you had a great birthday!

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