
A Farewell to How I Met Your Mother


To say I love the show How I Met Your Mother would be an understatement.
I live for this show.
Okay, that’s an overstatement. But really, it’s probably not. Especially if you ask every person in my life.

I didn’t start watching HIMYM until 2010, 5 years after the show started. Considering my love for Jason Segel, it’s surprising that it took me so long, but I didn’t understand the title and I just didn’t care to start watching it. When I finally did, I immediately loved it. I love the characters and the plots and it’s ability to make me cry and laugh all the time (even after multiple viewings). Sitcoms come and go but this one has lasted 9 wonderful seasons (sure, it’s had it’s low points, but overall it is solid). I’m sad to see it go, but all things must come to an end and tonight…it will.

I decided to re-watch the entire series while watching each new episode every week. I’ve been caught up for a while (even though I used to wait for the DVDs for a few seasons), specifically so I could be shocked and sad and happy with every new episode of this final season. It’s certainly been a ride…I’ve cried at every single episode for the last few months. Only slightly ashamed to admit that. But in honor of the show ending tonight, I thought I would list my favorite episodes of each season. Here’s the top 9, with honorable mentions!

Season One
The Pineapple Incident
This episode, the 10th of the season, is one of the definitive “let’s solve a mystery” episodes, where our characters take us back and forth in time to figure out what exactly happened to a super drunk Ted, why there’s a pineapple on his nightstand, and, most importantly…who’s the girl in Ted’s bed? I’ve read that this was the most-watched episode of the season and I can totally see why. It’s just a great episode with suspense and humor.

Honorable Mentions:
Pilot - It’s so rare for the first ever episode to not be awkward and seem so different from the rest of the series, but this is an exception. That Blue French Horn we always talk about? Pilot episode, guys!
Okay Awesome - Marshall breaks out amazing dance moves, Barney grinds with his cousin,
Lily and Robin flash a bouncer.
Life Among the Gorillas – Marshall abandons his dreams of becoming an envrionmental lawyer to give Lily the whole package. She encourages him that he has a huge package.
Come On – Ted does a rain dance and finally gets Robin. Lily and Marshall break up (not cool, guys).

Season Two
Arrivederci, Fiero
This episode is my personal most-watched of the series. To me, it is perfect. Marshall and Ted take Marshall’s Fiero out to make it to 200,000 miles but they hit a pothole right before they get there. Being that the car is quite old, it will most likely not make it. The gang sit at the auto shop and recall their memories in the Fiero, all of which brought the friends even closer together. Favorite part? Ted and Marshall’s friendship-building road trip in college and the repetition of one of the best songs ever, “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers.

Honorable Mentions:
Brunch – A brunch during a visit from Ted’s parents proves to be the final straw in a series of disputes within the group. We get to experience each story separately before it all culminates.
First Time in New York – Robin’s sister comes to visit and it turns out that she is planning on losing her virginity to her jerky boyfriend. Robin, desperate to stop it, tries to get everyone to help her stop and they recount the ways they lost their virginity. Robin also finally says the L word to Ted.

Season Three
Spoiler Alert
Ted begins dating a new girl that happens to annoy every single one of his friends. He doesn’t know why but they won’t tell him in order to keep the allure and not ruin her for him. Eventually, they reveal that she talks wayyy too much. That leads to the glass shattering for every character and their annoying habits (ex. Lily’s loud chewing) and they get into an argument that ends up leading to Marshall finding out he’s passed the bar exam. They celebrate and prove that love and friendship make those annoying things easy to handle.

Honorable Mentions:
The Third Wheel  - Ted has the opportunity to engage in a threesome…does he? Doesn’t he? Will we find out tonight?
I doubt it. I like to think he did.
How I Met Everyone Else – Ted dates a crazy girl he met online and they tell the stories of how they met each other, all of which are super-duper cute.
The Platinum Rule – Ted is about to go on a date with the dermatologist removing his tattoo and Barney urges him not to, using the “platinum rule” to explain how this is a very bad idea. Everyone else has experienced this exact issue.
Rebound Pro – Ted and Barney have had a falling out because Barney slept with Robin. Barney is in desperate search for a new wingman and ends up with Randy (played by Will Forte, rockin’ it), a shy and useless bro.

Season Four
Three Days of Snow
This was a tough call, but this episode has a great storyline in a season of some pretty great storylines.
A huge storm hits New York and the crew deals with it in different ways. Ted and Barney meet college girls who are in a band and ask them to meet Maclarens when they are done performing. The weather is awful and Carl wants to close shop, but Ted and Barney ask to stay a bit longer and end up with full range of the bar, thus satisfying the inevitable lust for owning a bar. The “band” they are in is actually a marching band with lots of members, so the bar gets crazy quickly.
Meanwhile, Lily is away from home and everyone is asking whether Marshall will pick her up from the airport. He says they’ve moved on from their silly traditions, but of course he ends up making his way there and the cutest scene involving “Auld Lang Syne” ever.

Honorable Mentions:
The Best Burger in New York – Marshall is having a hard time with unemployment, and reacts by forcing the game on the hunt for the amazing burger he had once (but could never find again) on his first lonely excursion in New York. His ode to that burger is one of the best HIMYM moments ever.
The Naked Man – Ted is slowly trying to get back into the dating pool and ends up with a horrible girl. Before the date, he finds a naked man in his apartment waiting for Robin to finish a phone call. It turns out that this is the guy’s move, standing there naked, and it works 2 out of 3 times. Turns out that’s true, as Ted, Barney, and Lily try it with the same results.
Murtaugh – an episode about getting too old for this…stuff. Ted and Marshall have a list of things they once were able to do with ease but are too old for now, and Barney sets out to disprove them.
The Front Porch – one early morning, Ted, Marshall, and Lily stay up to watch Robin’s TV show, but miss the craziest episode (she helps deliver a baby!) when Ted realizes that Lily has sabotaged pretty much every relationship he’s ever been in…including his relationship with Robin. Marshall and Barney in nightshirts…enough said.

Season Five
Girls Versus Suits
Ted gets the closest to the mother that he has ever been when he dates her roommate, played by the adorable Rachel Bilson. We learn some of her interests (she plays bass guitar, a quality Ted has always wanted in his dream girl) and that Cindy (Bilson) hates her because everyone happens to fall for her. Ted only catches a glimpse of her ankle. TEASER!
This episode is also the 100th of the series, so to celebrate they did a great musical number in which Barney proclaims his undying love for suits. Awesome.

Honorable Mentions:
The Sexless Innkeeper– This is included simply for Marshall’s amazing song e-mails he sends to everyone. Cat Funeral? Classic. It’s also fun to see Lily and Marshall struggle to find the perfect couple friends, and how much they goof everything up, even when it’s just with Robin and Barney. Also, Ted is in full professor mode with his adorable tweed jackets, and disproves the theory that no one will find it sexy.

Season Six
This episode is just fun. Jorge Garcia, a.k.a. Hurley from Lost, plays Blitz, the unlucky guy who always misses out on the fun when he leaves the night. There have been Blitz’s before him, and basically, the moment they turn around or leave means something amazing will happen and that they will miss it. “Ohhhhh MAAANNNNN!” Through the course of the episode, Ted and Barney switch off becoming the Blitz and crazy stuff ensues. Just a fun episode.

Honorable Mentions:
Subway Wars – Ted, Barney, Lily, Marshall, and Robin all take different routes to try and get to a steak restaurant the fastest to see Woody Allen. Though everyone is seemingly trying to beat each other at a silly race, they are really look for a greatly needed win after various tough moments they have been facing.
Last Words - This one is a bit of a tearjerker. When Marshall’s father passes away, everyone is trying to help him through the rough spot at the funeral. The pastor suggests the Eriksens recall their final moments with their father/husband and everyone has a great story but Marshall, who heard various ridiculous things come out of his father’s mouth. In the end, he realizes he has a voicemail on his phone.

Season Seven
Tick, Tick, Tick…
Despite the fact that both Barney and Robin are happily dating other people, they end up sleeping together and freaking out about whether or not they should tell their significant others. Through much debate, Robin and Barney decide they should tell them and discuss the possibility of getting back together. Barney breaks up with his girlfriend, Nora, but Robin stays with her boyfriend, Kevin. It’s a heartbreaking moment when Barney expects to be alone with Robin at the bar, but Kevin is by her side. Points for Marshall and Ted’s extremely high quest for nachos at a concert.

Honorable Mentions:
No Pressure – After Robin’s breakup with Kevin, Ted admits that he still loves Robin. Barney and Ted discover that Lily and Marshall have been taking bets on their personal lives, one of which includes Robin and Ted getting back together (Lily is obviously against it, Marshall is for it). Ted is upset, but Robin admits that she doesn’t love Ted that way.
The Magician’s Code Pt. 1 – Lily goes into labor the night she sends Marshall off with Barney to Atlantic City for some relaxation before the baby arrives. Ted and Robin come to the rescue and tell her various stories to calm her down.
Meanwhile, Marshall is so drunk that he struggles to find a way to the hospital.

Season Eight
Twelve Horny Women
Despite the silly title, this episode is a great showcase of Marshall and how his future will unfold. He has finally become an environmental lawyer, and is up for a big case against a pharmaceutical company that has been dumping toxic waste into a place called Frog Lake. The events that follow bring him in front of the NY State Judiciary Committee to discuss the case, which involved him being pitted against his former law school buddy Brad (played hysterically by Joe Manganiello) who is clearly using his good looks to win over the jury of women. What looks like a rough spot in Marshall’s career ends up leading him to apply to be a judge, hence the meeting with the committee.

Honorable Mentions:
The Time-Travelers – Fans might be surprised that this is an honorable mention, and I find this episode, in which Ted is alone and worrying about the past, present, and future, to be a really emotional one (the speech to his future wife is perfect). I liked the episode, but I still find myself a bit confused over it.

Season Nine
How Your Mother Met Me - With the hour-long finale happening tonight, it’s hard to narrow down the episodes I like as the end might be one of the bests. Still, I’m trying. This episode, the 200th in the series, was all from the perspective of the mother (I CAN’T WAIT TO FIND OUT HER NAME). We learn that her first true love died (but we don’t know how) and that it largely affected her love life (or lack thereof). We saw that she was, in fact, in Ted’s first ever class (when he accidentally ended up in an Economics classroom) and laughed at his “shellfish/selfish” joke. We also learn about her relationship with her roommate Cindy, who seemingly hated her because she actually had feelings for her (and that’s how she came to realize that she was actually gay). The mother’s performance of La Vie en Rose on ukulele is a thing of beauty. And, of course, I cried. Especially since Ted was right next door, listening.

Honorable Mentions:
Bedtime Stories – This entire episode was told in rhymes. Marshall is traveling with Marvin, who will only sleep if told a bedtime story. Without a book, Marshall feels a bit lost so he ends up telling stories about his friends. A lot of people didn’t dig the gimmick, but I think they pulled it off nicely.
Vesuvius – Every fiber of my being screamed after watching this, and I actually cried for days worrying about the fate of the mother and/or every other character on the show. I am hoping for peace tonight.
Sunrise – Ted finally lets go of Robin and let the tears fall.


So there you have it. It took me a long time to come up with this list because there’s over 200 great episodes of this show and I love the episodes so much for various reasons. I am so glad they made it this far, that they were able to carry out their story (instead of the threat of cancelling attacking that goal).
I am so thankful for this show, which provides a security blanket for me on really crappy days.
Here’s to a great end!

P.S. Since I’m a nail art girl, I decided to do a huge mixed manicure dedicated to the show.


Obviously, I’m in love with them!


Photo an Hour: 3/26/14

Just a random day off in photos.

10 am:

Not working means sleeping in for me. And, even if I don’t sleep, I love staying in bed.

11 am:

I had such a craving for a bagel, so I ran to Dunkin’ for an everything with cream cheese and Irish Cream coffee.

12 am:

More laziness on the bed, reading my blogs and brainstorming.

1 pm:

Artie did some hard nappin’ this afternoon, and this was around the time he woke up for a walk.


A load of laundry while I exercise.


Steamy shower mirror.


So hungry, I ate an entire box of Kraft Mac & Cheese…oops!


Settling on some polishes for nail art.


Still light until almost 8.

A good relaxing day.


Currently Obsessed: Target Stationery


This year, I decided to try and send snail mail regularly to my friends. It’s been going pretty well so far.
I just wanted to try and brighten people’s days with happy mail, instead of the usual bills and junk.
It started with some note cards I purchased from the one spot at Target, as well as the discount section at Michaels.
The addition of rubber stamps and washi tape for my scrapbooks help to add a bit more flare to the mail.
But the start of this became the start of something else…

Have you been to the One Spot of your Target lately? If not, I suggest running as soon as possible.
Most people know that if you go to Target for one thing, you will leave with so much more. That place is magical and dreadful all at once. However, the One Spot, where nothing is more than 3 dollars (and, of course, the majority is $1) is a nice place to look if you’re feeling the need to buy something without spending too much.

Each item in the photo above is from that section and cost $1 a piece. And the best part about all of it is that it all looks amazing. It’s so inexpensive, yet it’s beautiful and it doesn’t feel like an impulse buy because it’s all useful.


Obviously, there are the notecards…they come with matching and often decorated envelopes.


Next up is the gorgeous matching stationery. The top polka dot and floral, coral and blue designs are insanely beautiful. I love the color combos so much, I even did nail art inspired by the floral! The bottom set satisfies my deep love for multi-colored polka dots. If you’re a close friend, you may know that I wear a particular Gap t-shirt waaaayyyy too often. So anything that reminds me of it automatically becomes a must-have.
I don’t know what I’m going to do with the twine, but why not?


One final thing from the $1 section are these page flags. I’ve been using them on the library books I’ve read so far this year, particularly the ones that Katie and I are reading for our book club. Cute and fun!

I am just so in love with these items, and they seem to keep adding new designs and new types of notepads, from To-Do lists to journals, on a regular basis. There’s something for everyone!

Although they are not a part of the One Spot, these Mara Mi notepads were on clearance at Target, as well.
I had to share them. They make me want to get a nice desk to display and organize all of my lovely stationery and notes.



100 Happy Days

For a few days now, I’ve been seeing a lot of #100HappyDays on Instagram and reading about it on various websites.
You might remember a post I did a little while ago about one of my new favorite apps, Happier.
It’s become a staple of my daily routine, to post at least once on the app and to read the daily inspirations and happiness of other people. I truly feel like it’s brightened my mood and changed my perspective a bit.
So, I’ve decided to try out 100 Happy Days, as well!


Listen, I know the drill. I know so many people who say that they don’t have time for certain things but I really believe making time for something like this is important. It’s about stepping outside of yourself and really appreciating life around you. That’s what Happier has done for me, and I believe this challenge will help so many people.
I know so many of you will roll your eyes and scoff. Sometimes I annoy myself when I talk about how doing things like this has helped. But it does help. I used to get angry at the sight of motivational posters, t-shirts, mugs, etc.
But really, the days seem much easier to handle when you can find something…just ONE thing…that makes it all worth while. And trust me, you will. As the site explains, it can be anything….and it’s not there to brag or boast.
Just taking the time to think about this one thing, which will probably take you about 2 minutes, will do wonders for your mood. Trust me…I am proof.

So, are you in?
I start today!

Check my Instagram for daily posts, and maybe I’ll do a round-up every once in a while.

Recent Reads, 7/40: Before I Fall


Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver is the story of Samantha Kingston’s last day, February 12th. After attending a party with her friends, they get into a car accident and Sam is killed instantly. However, she wakes up the following day only to find out that it is once again February 12 and only she has the knowledge of the “previous” night. She is then unsure of whether or not she truly is dead or why she is reliving the day repeatedly, and she tries to learn how to make it stop.

At first, I was annoyed with Sam. She and her friends are the popular bitches of her high school. They relentlessly tease people they think are below them and, especially in Sam’s case, date people for the social leverage. I felt so frustrated with the characters, so shallow and cruel….and then I remembered that high school (and most of your life, if you let it be that way) is like that. Everything seems like the end of the world. You can’t have a crush on the nerdy guy because that will make you look bad. You can’t be into certain activities or you will get pegged with a stereotype.
Being yourself is one of the hardest things in life, let alone in high school, where you have no idea what you’re doing and everything is changing at such a rapid pace.

By the end of the book, I was a sobbing mess. I thought it was a great story, so beautiful. Some can say it’s predictable, but I still was left wondering what would happen, what could happen, trying to stretch out that hope.

Without a doubt, this is the best book I’ve read as a part of my 2014 challenge so far.


Maria’s 25th Birthday


Last Thursday, my sister Maria turned 25! For starters, wow. We are two years apart, me being the older sister, and I can’t help but feel that age. She will always be a little sister to me. Secondly, it’s another reminder of how things are changing and how quickly we are entering the “adult” world. The good thing is, being an age doesn’t always mean you have to act that age. Very important.

Each year, we have a dinner with the family. The birthday girl or boy picks a meal they want and what kind of birthday dessert they’d like (it’s very rarely the typical cake) and it gets done. This year, Maria requested Brinner (breakfast at dinner, a.k.a. the best meal ever) and we celebrated with mimosas, of course.

photo (2)

Love you so much, sis! I’m glad you had a great birthday!


Crafty Moments: Floral Crowns

My friend Paulina and I have gotten closer simply because we love getting together and making things. She’s always been creative while I’m always trying to learn something new. We knew we wanted to have a “crafternoon” last week, but we weren’t sure what to work on. We brainstormed over lunch and ended up settling on floral crowns, something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time now. I made it mandatory to listen to Lana Del Rey’s albums on vinyl (she is the queen of floral crowns in my eyes) and we had fun making these pieces that has us hoping for spring!


We definitely had some wine in the afternoon. Wine helps with creativity. I’m sure that’s a scientifically proven fact.
Can’t wait for our next crafternoon!


Nail Art Lately…

Time to share my nail art from the past month!


My first nails of the month were probably my absolute favorites of the month as well. Mixed manis are a favorite of mine. It takes the pressure off of perfecting one design on each nail and it just looks fresh. I am obsessed with the steel gray polish I used, Sephora’s Formula X in Vivacious. I also used a solid gray for one of the nails, a random Revlon polish. The bright pink is one of my stand-by polishes, OPI’s Sparrow Me the Drama. Finally, I used Deborah Lippmann’s Bohemian Burgundy from the GIRLS collection. The dotted frame is a favorite that I need to use more often.


No nail art in the photo above, but this is the stunning Push and Shove chrome polish from Gwen Stefani’s OPI line. The mirror finish is insane. If you’re looking to wear it more than one night, you’re out of luck. It comes with a base coat that is supposed to accentuate the chrome and help it have a smooth finish.
Still a little brushstroke-y but it’s perfect for a fun night out!


These were my nails for Mexico…they didn’t turn out exactly as I had planned, but my mom bought me Kate Broughton nail decals and I thought the tropical drinks were perfect for our all-inclusive getaway! I still have stickers of various kinds that I can’t wait to use (and perfect next time), but it was a decent first try.


After having the same nails for over a week, I couldn’t wait to get some new nail art on! Chalkboard Nails posted a gorgeous, subtle Valentine nail that I couldn’t wait to replicate. I used a variety of purples. I need to perfect my smaller dots, but I really like the look of this nail and think you can do so many different color schemes for this.


I have a bunch of textured polishes, but I often stay away from them. Manicures without top coats just don’t last as long with me. Still, after getting the studs, I could just envision them with my Nails, Inc. Leather Effect polish. It was the exact look I wanted. I can’t wait to use the studs with a top coat because they started popping off the next day (I only used top coat to place them instead of nail glue). I just got a purple leather polish and I want to do this look again soon.


For Christmas, my friend Catie got me this beautiful, multi-colored shredded glitter polish from Forever 21. It’s been sitting in my collection for a while, waiting to be used, but I usually stay away from glitter when I know I won’t want to go through the process of removing it. Catie recommended I used with OPI’s Don’t Pretzel My Buttons, one of my favorite neutrals that really helps the glitter pop. Simple but stunning. And I love my new midi rings from
Mishella Boutique, which complimented the look nicely.


Finally, I used The Dainty Squid’s scotch tape method to do this geometric look inspired by the Kraft Edition core kit for Project Life. Next time I do this (and there will be a next time), I will use smaller shapes and not so much layering. That seemed to keep the polish from smoothing out with top coat. Still, I like the look in the end. And let’s not forget that Becky Higgins (creator of Project Life) featured them on her Instagram!


Recent Reads, 6/40: The Radleys

Book 6 of 2014 is also the second book Katie and I decided to read for our book club. I told her I was in the mood for something a little supernatural (particularly vampires, my favorite) and she was down for it. I didn’t want anything that would lead to a series…I’m not opposed to that, it’s just that I think book club books should be a one and done.
I also have so many other books I want to read that starting a series would totally derail me.
After searching for the right book (most vampire books have various sequels), I landed on The Radleys.
(Sidebar: I love that cover in the link…and I love that it comes with a reading group guide. HOWEVER, after reading it, I don’t think the cover is that accurate…and the library is free!)

The Radleys tells the story of the Radley family. They live in a suburban England, a town called Bishopthorpe. Most people can’t pinpoint why they find the Radleys strange, because by all outside appearances they are normal. In reality, they are anything but. Helen and Peter, the parents, are abstaining vampires who settled down to stop their violent behavior and raise their son and daughter. Following an Abstainer’s Handbook (which may be very similar to an Al-Anon book), the Radleys practice normal eating habits and impulse control. Their children, Rowan and Clara, have no idea who they truly are and accept a life of being outcast. That is until something brings out the beast in Clara.
After that, their world is turned upside down with the truth of their nature, the arrival of Peter’s brother, and the attempt to keep everything at bay while maintaining their normal appearances.

When I was describing the book to my sister, she was excited and wanted it to be a movie (the rights were purchased back in 2010, but the fact that they haven’t made it yet doesn’t bode too well…rights get purchased all the time without any resulting movies). The story does have an exciting premise and it was an easy and engaging read.
Did it blow me away? No. In fact, I do feel like it could’ve gotten a bit deeper. The story only takes place over a long weekend, so I guess that’s why it never ventures too far into the past. While reading, I started to realize that vampire books might be a lot like what they say about sex and pizza: when it’s good, it’s good and when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good. I will always be entertained by vampire movies and books because I enjoy the topic very much,
but it just wasn’t my favorite flavor.


This Week’s Greatest Hits

Looking back on all the good good that went down.

We watched the Oscars with snacks and drinks, like we do every year!


Maybe it was the several sparkling wine cocktails, but that was the most fun I’ve had watching the Oscars in years!

I went to Panera Bread 3 days in a row.


I work less than a minute drive away from Panera, so when I have an hour for lunch, I just go there. I like to get a coffee and I’m trying to branch out on the soups and sandwiches (the picture from above was during a 5a-2p shift, so my “lunch” was at 9 am, hence the breakfast) and I read and relax.

Lots of pretty sunsets.


The one thing I don’t usually mind about winter is that the sunsets are often insane.
So bright and intense, with different colors from day to day.

Mac and Cheese night with my sister.


Bart & Urby’s does a Mac&Cheese night every Wednesday, and Maria has been several times while I haven’t gone at all. So, since we had to switch cars so she could take a trip to Virginia this weekend, I mentioned that we should go.
It was tasty, but I definitely think they should offer up some more add-ons. I got bacon and fried chicken (because I care about what I put in my body), but I think broccoli deserves to be on their list!

Paulina and I had another craft day.


I’ll talk more about this in a later post, but we decided to go for a spring-y craft in the hopes that it will start warming up soon! We also drank wine, talked tons (I love getting to know more about friends!), and listened to Lana Del Rey on vinyl.


Go-Pro Mexico

So, for work, Brad has access to a GoPro camera. His boss actually recommended that he bring it to Mexico with him so that he could test it out. Why he would need it in his particular line of videography and photography is beyond me, but he had so much fun playing with it, and he got some super cool photos of us when we went snorkeling.

GOPR0082 GOPR0092

To be honest, I don’t think snorkeling is for me. It’s crazy to have those fish literally swimming right past your face, but the apparatuses are intense. And yeah, I was a little scared of the fish.