

My name is Michal Lynn, and I am a camera-holic. Just one thing, though. I DON’T WANNA QUIT.

Okay, so I absolutely love my DSLR. And I wouldn’t trade it or exchange it and I don’t regret the pretty penny I dropped for it because it gives me insane joy to use and I believe it will bring me happiness in many forms in the future. It truly is my go-to camera, my baby, my pride and joy.

But man oh man…do I ever love cameras. I cannot get enough. There are so many to lust after. And the films for some of them? TO DIE FOR. Ugh.

diana-mini-en-rosefujiwide supersampler rubber blue250colorsplash cameralust

Click on the pictures for more information from their source sites!


And yes…I have a problem. EEK!


25 Things


Remember when the “25 Things You Don’t Know About Me” thing was huge on Facebook? It’s still something celebrities do in US Weekly magazine. It’s a little silly and pointless. Why are we always so eager to share so much about ourselves? But it’s fun, in a way, to tell people things and maybe have them relate. To not feel alone in our little quirks and secrets. Well, whatever. I thought I’d do this anyways.

  1. Instead of daydreaming about romantic situations and crushes, I often fantasize about what food I’d like to eat that day.
  2. I am allergic to shellfish. Or I was. I haven’t tested myself. I kind of want to, though. I’m curious about crab legs and lobster.
  3. Photography was one of my least favorite classes in college. And now, I love it. Go figure. (Still have no clue what I’m doing, so I mostly consider it “picture taking.”)
  4. I’m like 95% sure about naming my first born son Kieran. After Kieran Culkin. Macaulay’s brother. You know, Fuller from Home Alone. I don’t know why…it just stuck with me.
  5. I’ve never been a big purse girl. I find one I like, and then I use it until it’s worn out with holes or completely unusable.
  6. I would love to be a dancer. Preferably something like hip hop or modern. Life is better when I’m dancing, but I never do it.
  7. I can’t turn down tacos or Chinese.
  8. I prefer beer over liquor. But wine and beer are very close contenders.
  9. I’ve always had crushes on the underdogs, or the weirder, funny, nerdy guys. I would pick Jason Segel or Michael Cera over Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp any day.
  10. Skinny jeans or bust for me.
  11. I prefer salty to sweet.
  12. I overthink everything. It has been and will be my downfall, surely.
  13. I have a tendency to get attached to movie and TV show characters (and the movies and shows themselves).
  14. I rarely pay full price for clothes. I’m all about the clearance racks. And Salvation Army.
  15. Tea>Coffee
  16. I have the worst posture, especially when I sit, and not only is it horrible looking, but it’s really starting to hurt me.
  17. My head is my Achilles’ Heel. I am always hitting it off something, and I’m always freaking out about it every single time. I’ve seriously considered purchasing a helmet to wear everyday, no matter how ridiculous I’d look.
  18. Bobby pins are my calling card. I leave them everywhere.
  19. I believe in manifest destiny. A lot of things I hoped and wished for have happened, all due to positive and consistent thinking. I know it seems strange…but it’s true.
  20. No matter what I do, I can’t go to bed earlier than midnight.
  21. My greatest fear is death.
  22. My years in college have been, so far, the best years of my life.
  23. I am really good at starting things. Horrible at following through or finishing.
  24. I have to put lotion on right after a shower. If I don’t have any, I’m angry.
  25. I don’t wear jewelry. Sometimes I’ll wear a necklace. But for the most part, I’m au natural.

What are 25 things people don’t know about you?
It was kind of hard to pick. And it’s not really all that special. But whatever haha.


Friday with Friends

I love when all (or most) of my friends are in town.

This Friday, we decided to check out our newly reopened favorite bar (under a new name and new management) and found out that it’s better than before, but still cozy and comfortable (minus the secondhand smoke)(I am all about parenthesis this post…).

I tend to forget it, sad as it sounds, but being with these people makes me so happy. It’s easy, when in a relationship and balancing a full-time job, to forget about good, old-fashioned fun (not that I don’t have fun with Brad, of course!). But going out, having a couple of drinks, dancing, singing, and laughing all make me feel like a 23 year old. I often walk into work in the mornings feeling like a ghost…a shadow of myself. That may sound depressing, but it’s true. The people I see the majority of the week don’t see the movies I see, or listen to my music, or read the books and magazines I like. I have no one to talk to about the things I love and get excited about on a regular basis. I do see and talk to my friends nearly daily…but it’s just not the same if we’re gathering in front of a TV all the time. So it was nice to change it up and remind myself that I’m young.

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{All photos taken with the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone. I love to do the “Shake to Randomize” option, thus the various picture types. I should probably start picking and choosing my favorites…}



I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I miss when I used to get my hair cut all the time. I was all about the short ‘dos in college, but the pixie cut really took it out of me. So, I guess that’s the main reason I’ve been growing my hair. For a while, I really hated my hair and was very insecure because I felt boyish and trapped. I love that it’s growing, and that the possibilities are ever expanding. But I miss the excitement of bringing in a picture and having a whole new look. And Carey Mulligan’s hair makes me miss it even more…

careyshort1 careyshort2careyshort3 careyshort4

It’s not fair how easily, effortlessly, and gorgeously she grew out the pixie she had at the beginning of the year.

If I had this style, I’d dye it a lot. Try different things. Because it would be so short, it wouldn’t matter.

I think I’ll tough it out…grow my hair until the summer of next year or something.
But if I finally get disgusted, I know whose picture I’ll be bringing…

A Successful Holiday

Thanksgiving was, as expected, very delicious. I’ll admit, I had a bit of Sunday syndrome because I didn’t have a long holiday ahead like other people I know…but it was still enjoyable, relaxing, and a very long day (and I can’t complain about two separate dinners).

snowfallandleaves{This was the first snowfall of the season. I’m not gonna lie, I’m not looking forward to what’s to come. But it made for some neat season-change photos}

IMG_2869 IMG_2880IMG_2888IMG_2894 IMG_2900 tightsforturkey

Aside from eating dinner, my family all gathered around a VCR to watch the only video we have documenting our childhood (1992 – Maria was 3, I was 5). It was embarrassing, sad, and hysterical all the same. I love being around family.



It’s that time of the year again. Though the most wonderful time is right ahead, Thanksgiving is the best kick-off to the holidays. I try and show my thankfulness for the people in my life as frequently as possible, but it’s very easy to forget. So, here it is, my thanks to all of the people in my life.

My friends

To all of you guys…you choose your friends. You choose who you want to spend your time with. You pick the people who have similar interests, the people who you can laugh with and cry with and get into trouble with. I must say that I am lucky to have you all in my life. I’m not the simplest person. I’m a little crazy. But you all know that and you’ve looked beyond it to continue to be my friend. I am here for you, you’re here for me, and you all remind me to have fun no matter what I’m doing.

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As mentioned above, I’m not the easiest person to be around. I get moody and grumpy and sometimes way too depressed for my own good. But you’ve stood by me through it all, supported me no matter what, and have continued to be a beacon of optimism for me. I’m thankful that you came into my life, and that everything finally aligned so that we made sense. I’m at home and at peace when I am with you.IMG_0004IMG_2546 
My Family

Obviously, I wouldn’t be here or be who I am today without these people. I am so happy that I’ve had understanding and supportive parents who have allowed me to grow and be the way I want to be. I am so happy that I had a sister who, despite being 2 years younger than me, is basically my best friend. Every single member of my family has been kind and helpful. We fight but then we can make up and have fun and everything is right in the world again. But I will always be thankful for the fact that you’ve let me grow and change by being a complete moron and still loving me for it anyways.

mommaIMG_2314 IMG_5523 (Mom, I can’t wait until we can start taking new pictures together again!!!)

Also thankful for: Cameras, books and magazines, learning new things, beautiful sunsets, thrift stores and clearance racks, freedom, food, Netflix, music, laughter, and the sheer fact that I am alive.




I found this picture on Tumblr, and I really loved it because I just addressed this issue in a previous entry. I need to remind myself of this over and over again. Because here I am, making mountains out of molehills, and instead of just taking the things as they come, I’m worrying about what will happen tomorrow or the next day, or next year.
Silly me.

It’s times like these I need to remind myself of all the good things. The things that really matter. Because, though many shitty things can happen, it’s the wonderful things that will define our lives and make them worthwhile.

So…a happy list:

  • The sheer satisfaction I get from taking a picture with any and every single one of my cameras
  • A full night’s sleep, though they are very rare
  • Thermals
  • Driving around to random and unexpected places
  • Iced coffee
  • Hot, refreshing showers
  • Cuddly puppy Artie
  • Sunsets
  • The right music at the right time
  • Comforting words from my family
  • Fresh air
  • Late nights with friends
  • Netflix


Beautiful Calm Driving

Sundays are bittersweet. Brad and I woke up late (it was my only day to sleep in), and took our sweet time getting ready before heading out to check out a flea market I had read about. I guess they were closing up, because it was super dead and the few people that were there were packing it in. So instead we drove around, walked around the mall, and listened to fantastic music that set the tone for a lovely evening.

birdsontheline IMG_2728 slighttweak IMG_2797 IMG_2803


The Infinite Sadness

scottramonakim envyscottscottpilgrim

Scott Pilgrim VS. The Worldscottsex scottpilgrimmovie scotthappy

Scott Pilgrim, in all formats, is defining my life at the moment. Aside from being badass (oh how I only wish to be a badass), it tackles relationship issues in a honest, humorous, and relatable way. After a rough patch this week, reading the books put a little perspective in my life. We all have baggage, it’s tough, we all screw up, but we just need to face the facts, move on, and learn from our mistakes.

And despite the fact that there are many obvious and sometimes disappointing differences between the books and the movie, I love them both very dearly.


Once more, with feeling…

I have done this before. Who hasn’t? How often are we making lists of the things we want to do or wish we could do or should be doing? There’s so much I want to do with my life…this one little precious thing I have. The only thing I really have. And yet I find myself never fully getting around to it. A huge case of the “So little time, so much to do”s. Regardless, putting it down (and in my case, publishing it on my little tiny space on the interweb) always tends to make it feel more…real. More possible. Even if it never comes to fruition.

  • I’d like to read more. Of course, I do my fair share of magazine reading and blog browsing. But I want to lose myself in books, like I used to.
  • I want to eat better (tons more fruits and veggies). Ideally, I’d like to knock all processed foods out of my life. It’s hard, because I love to indulge and satiate cravings, but I always feel terrible after binges like that. I guess I shouldn’t beat myself up about the occasional slip up, but it should be just that…an occasional thing and not the norm.
  • I want to exercise more. I always feel better when I do it but I never do it. Especially dancing, which makes me happy just as it can make me healthy.
  • I want to spread love and happiness. If I feel like complimenting someone, I should do it. I know if I were in the opposite position, it would make my day.
  • I want to focus on the now. I have spent a lot of my life worrying about yesterday, tomorrow, and years from now. It has had a lot of power in ruining my current moods, times when I could’ve been really happy and carefree and enjoying my life. So, since I have no control over the future and I can’t change the past, I want to enjoy my present.
  • I want to do things for me. No more caring about what people think or say, aside from the true bluez. I don’t want to be selfish, but I want to stop worrying about the negative things from people who don’t matter, or about people who are not in my life really anyways.

Here’s to always trying to make your life better…


Instax Sunday

We got back from wedding festivities in New Jersey around noon yesterday, so I decided to spend the remainder of the day with Brad (as I like to spend all my Sundays and weekends in general with him).

IMG_0007Beautiful day out.
IMG_0005Brad read Scott Pilgrim while I got ready.
IMG_0008I’m going to miss the leaves when they are gone.
IMG_0006Standing outside of Brad’s.
IMG_0009 Caught Artie in a rare moment of relaxation.

Not included: Lunch at Panera bread, naptime, cuddles and kisses, Scott Pilgrim Blu-Ray special features, third episode of The Walking Dead.

1 day down, 4 1/2 more to go.


Wish List

Christmas is around the corner. There is no denying it. Unlike every other year, I want to start doing my shopping early. I’m brainstorming so that I get really good, reasonably priced, perfect presents for everyone on my list. But, it’s still nice to think about what I would like to see under my tree this year. Usually, there’s one item that I’m yearnin’ and burnin’ for. But, I already bought that, so…here are some things I wouldn’t mind getting…

clairisonicA Clairsonic cleansing brush.

slanket I know it’s cheesy, but I wouldn’t mind a comfy Slanket.

Photojojo Kola Camera Filters macrolens Color flash/lens filters and macro/wide angle iPhone lenses from Photojojo!

vgraphicV for Vendetta graphic novel.
dianaminiDiana Mini en Rose (35 mm, with flash). At first, I wanted the original Diana F+. But I already have a Holga and 35 mm is so convenient and this camera is amazing, and yes I’m geeking out.