I had a fantastic weekend. I am definitely not ready for it to end. We were blessed with gorgeous weather here in NEPA, and for once I truly believe there will be many more great days like these.
I am thankful for pools and rafts and fruity cocktails.
I am thankful for Bud Light Lime and catching up with friends.
I am thankful for the bit of sun I caught, that I didn’t burn, and that I don’t really need to wear makeup in the summery months.
I am thankful for warm nights and the first fireworks show of the season.
I am thankful for beach towels, new music, and books in the sun and the smell of sunscreen.
I am thankful for sleeping in.
I am thankful for the Fireworks setting on my Canon.
Hope that, no matter what you did, you had fun and shut your brain off. I know I did that for once…