
When It’s Over

Sugar Ray frontman Mark McGrath has never sung truer words. Why is it that people always want what they can’t have, even if they didn’t want it when they could’ve had it? Why is it that that lovin’ feeling seems to creep back into your heart only when its threatening to leave or, maybe even, has left already?

On another note, I felt like doing this:

10 Years Ago...
I was anxious about going to junior high and I was as awkward as a 12 year old girl should be.

5 things on my to do list...
- Working
- See Funny People the day it comes out
- Take more Holga pictures
- Look at life more optimistically
- Putting my resume out there

5 snacks I enjoy...
- Mild Slim Jims
- Herr’s Kettle-Cooked Boardwalk Salt and Vinegar Chips
- Veggies and dip
- Eggs and toast
- Mini Snickers

5 favorite things...
1. Movies
2. Music
3. Falling in love with a new TV show, band, or book series
4. Sunsets that look like cotton candy or tie-dye
5. Being around people I love

5 places I have lived...
1. Hazleton, PA
2. Wilkes-Barre, PA
3. London, England
4. ---
5. ---

5 things most people don't know about me...
1. I used to go love going to group therapy sessions
2. I talk to myself a lot, especially in the car
3. I would ideally love to be a DJ on the radio
4. I’ve given someone a black eye
5. I wear my heart on my sleeve, so most people usually do know almost everything about me...still have some secrets though.

That’s all folks. I’m worried about the weekend for me. But I work tomorrow morning and Saturday all night. So I’m definitely going to be kept busy. But I hope your Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are fantastic.

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