It’s been oddly chilly these last couple days. I guess it shouldn’t be too weird considering it still isn’t officially summer yet. But that’s literally right around the corner. So hopefully the anticipated heatwave coming this weekend will stick around for the next few months.
Anyways, considering I always find myself running around or surrounding myself with friends, I was thankful to come home from work, throw on some comfy clothes and watch Youth in Revolt. I liked it, even though it is getting to the point where Michael Cera pretty much plays Michael Cera in every movie he’s in. But still, I enjoyed it and would probably give it another go at a later date. I’m also enjoying a tasty Wildberry Banana smoothie (with whipped cream, always). Days like this, when I’m constantly in a fetal cuddling position, almost make it impossible to sleep. But I need to rest, because I plan on having a fun-filled (albeit sweaty) weekend. Wine festival, swimming, more than one adult beverage, and eventually celebrating Father’s Day! Oh, and it’s finally a full weekend of freedom. To top it all off, my sister Maria comes home tomorrow and I’ll have a full week to hang out with her before she heads off to Florida, like she always tends to do in the summertime. Tons to be happy about.
Hope you all have a great weekend!