
More hair things…

I am still in process of allowing my hair to grow. I haven’t had so much as a trim since January. I really want to get a shape-up (and my bangs redone, thanks to the inspiration below), but I fear that several months of growth will go straight down the tubes if I do.

So I’ll keep growing, and eventually fit a trim in there, so I can some do things like this:

bunbraid braids{Pictures from Lookbook and Cupcakes and Cashmere}

It’s gonna be a long time before I can do these things and have it look like the above, but at least I’m getting there…slowly…



Just read an article in Elle (July 2010 issue) about how bangs can automatically give girls a rockstar/badass/tough chick edge, and I couldn’t agree more. There is something about bangs (depending on how well they are cut and styled) that add a cool factor to any lady’s face.

bangs1Daisy Lowe

bangs2Zooey Deschanel

bangs3 Fefe Dobson

bangs5Lily Allen

Above are just a few of my favorites. I know, they all sort of look the same. But I adore them anyways. My sister has them right now, and she looks super cool (if you don’t believe me, see below).


Another Weekend…ends.

Extremely hot weather this round. I wasn’t feeling too hot, but I still came out relaxed (and, as always, sad for it to be over).

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I am not ready for a 6 day work week. However, I have Monday off for the 4th of July. I have lots of swimming and eating to do come the weekend. And also, Eclipse comes out! I’ve convinced my friends to go on Friday (I say convinced, but they obviously want to see it ;) ). So happy. It’s good to have things to look forward to. But here’s hoping the rest of the week is fun and easy to get through.


Big Sis Little Sis


My little sis is jetting off to Florida in a couple of hours. She’ll be doing all sorts of fun things (like the beach and, more importantly, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter) and I’ll still be at home working.

Regardless, she’ll be back next week and I got to spend this entire week with her. Usually, I’m excited for the weekend. And trust me, I couldn’t be happier that it is the weekend or that I’m having such a good one. But this week was great, all thanks to her.

Having a sister is an extremely lucky thing, especially since we are a mere 2 years apart. We’ve always been close, but college did separate us for a bit. The most important thing is, she truly is my best friend.

I hope you have a safe trip, Maria! Thanks for spending time with me, dying my hair, and hanging out with my friends. You are the best.


Dive right in.

I’ve been wanting to dye my hair for a while now. I just never do it. (It’s hard for me to make changes, even if I want to so bad and it’s such a simple and fixable thing.) I mean, I did in April, but it proved to be pretty much ineffective. I didn’t lose hope though. I bought another dye and it sat in my bathroom until last night…diffI’m still getting used to it. And it’s different depending on what kind of lighting is going on. But it’s one of those “Lasts 28 shampoos” dyes (although everything sticks on my hair a bit longer), and I think it’s worth it to try, so that I know what it’s like and I’m not always wondering.


A big thanks to my sister, who did the job for me. You’re the best, always!

I’m losing my marbles, It’s marvelous…

I’ve been a fan of Sia for a few years now. Her latest album We Are Born just came out, and it’s chock full of fun beats and her amazing voice. Every one of her records is full of fun and powerful music and she can do so much with her voice. I’ve danced to some of her songs and teared up at others.



I love that she doesn’t take herself too seriously and yet she puts so much emotion to every one of her songs. It’s genuine.

It’s hard to pick one song from this series to show. I suggest you check them all out, and any others you can find.


You’re the Apple of my Eye

I know a lot of people love this song. My sister played it for me a while back, but it didn’t sink in as much as when I was sitting on the porch on Sunday, drinking beers with my sister and dad, and really in love with life. It’s a perfect summer song. And this video is what I’d like my life to look like all the time…

I love when a song or video or picture or movie touched me enough to bring me to tears. Though it’s happened quite a few times, it’s still a rare occasion. It always reminds me of how great the world (and life) can truly be.


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My Weekend in Photos

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My weekends consist of the same few things…lots of delicious (and fatty) foods, swimming and/or sunshine, strappy sandals, sleeping in, and great people. This weekend in particular meant…

  • Fried Sicilian pizza and wings at Tommy’s
  • Two separate trips to Mohegan Sun for $3 Coronas with lime (of course) and a bit of gambling at Penny Grove.
  • Market on the Pond, where I went halfsies on a Ricohflex. Hoping it works. If not, it’ll be awesome to take pictures of and use as a decorative piece.
  • Nachos at TGI Friday’s.
  • Plenty of sleeping in and a 90 minute nap.

Let's face facts. My blog is practically centered around my weekend. But I’m okay with that. Because it’s my favorite time of the week. And it reminds me every time why I love my life so much…

Hope you all had a great one!

Father’s Day

Just wanted to celebrate my father today on the blog. Not much planned, but as long as my father is eating grilled food and relaxing, it’s a good day for him! dadandmikeydadsfaveIMG_0002Dad is the reason I listen to good music and love spicy foods. He has supported everything I’ve done, even if he expressed a disinterest.

Have a great day, papa! I love you!


The Great Indoors…

It’s been oddly chilly these last couple days. I guess it shouldn’t be too weird considering it still isn’t officially summer yet. But that’s literally right around the corner. So hopefully the anticipated heatwave coming this weekend will stick around for the next few months.

Anyways, considering I always find myself running around or surrounding myself with friends, I was thankful to come home from work, throw on some comfy clothes and watch Youth in Revolt. I liked it, even though it is getting to the point where Michael Cera pretty much plays Michael Cera in every movie he’s in. But still, I enjoyed it and would probably give it another go at a later date. I’m also enjoying a tasty Wildberry Banana smoothie (with whipped cream, always). Days like this, when I’m constantly in a fetal cuddling position, almost make it impossible to sleep. But I need to rest, because I plan on having a fun-filled (albeit sweaty) weekend. Wine festival, swimming, more than one adult beverage, and eventually celebrating Father’s Day! Oh, and it’s finally a full weekend of freedom. To top it all off, my sister Maria comes home tomorrow and I’ll have a full week to hang out with her before she heads off to Florida, like she always tends to do in the summertime. Tons to be happy about.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


Music this week…

new young pony club - the optimist New Young Pony Club – The Optimist
(I love their first album too!)

neonNeon Indian- Psychic Chasms



I used to have a job that gave me 5 free movie rentals a week and I pretty much saw everything that I found remotely interesting. I still love movies, but honestly, I have been enjoying more time outdoors in the sun and around friends than relaxing with a DVD. Regardless, there are still plenty of movies I’d like to see. And, maybe I’m horrible for admitting this, but I still haven’t seen this. And I’m okay with it, too, which is surprising for me.

And of course, I’ll be seeing this. And you can judge all you want. We all have our own little guilty pleasures…


The Weekend

The best 2 days of every week have pretty much come and gone. Regardless, I always seem to have a great time, no matter who I’m with or what I’m doing. So thankful for my friends and family for making everything fun always.

For me this weekend meant…

  • Swimming (including a night swim)
  • Grilled hot dogs/cheddarwursts and grilled steak and cheese sandwiches
  • Sliced cucumbers dipped in Hidden Valley Ranch dressing
  • A new summer dress, skirt, and black sandals
  • Sangria with plenty of citrus fruits soaked in

poolcukesIMG_4942 IMG_4924 IMG_4951 IMG_4974 window IMG_4981 IMG_4988IMG_4982

As always, I can’t wait for the next weekend. And at least I won’t be working for the next two Saturdays. I am getting sick of 6 day work weeks. Bah. Hope you all had a great weekend as well!